In my understanding, the profession of a school counselor is first and foremost the profession of a guide – of someone who leads the way by establishing a particular culture at school. That puts a great responsibility on the counselors’ shoulders: programs they create – be it individual planning or...
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Introduction Technology is continually advancing; many people have constantly synchronized their daily lives to fit their status. Research into technology and its integration is an important concept in contemporary society due to global reliance on technology to advance every aspect of life. In this instance, the researcher focuses on students...
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In the 1970s, students developed their relationships and made decisions following many rules and social opportunities. When young people begin their education, they are trapped in several aspects, and William Zinsser aims to discuss some of them and use the experience of students in the 1970s. The author’s main idea...
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“Only dead fish swim with the stream” The article by Klocko et al. (2019) explores the aspect of tenacity in how resilience, experience, and grit helped teachers from the Michigan area to overcome the challenges caused by the national economic crisis in 2008. The article’s findings state that tenacity, developed...
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Internships are one of the most critical components of the professional training of any specialist. It allows the student to practically try his or her abilities in the chosen profession and learn how to apply the knowledge received in training classes in professional activity (McKenzie & Mellis, 2017). During the...
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People are social beings and should constantly develop their level of communicative competence for effective communication. One of its important elements is the ability to avoid or minimize communication barriers, which comprise all the factors that hinder interaction. Communication barriers divide into intrapersonal, interpersonal, semantic, and physical ones. When they...
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Learner-centered education has been the paradigm chosen decades ago in the USA and many other countries. This approach has proved to be effective as educators facilitate students’ learning by building on their strengths. This framework has led to the acknowledgment of the necessity to develop specific programs for diverse groups...
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Many variables will influence the impact of a professor’s death on administrators, other members of staff, students, and the institution as a whole. The nature of the connection with the instructor, the length of time the connection had existed, and the events surrounding the teacher’s death will all influence how...
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Modern issues peculiar to the U.S. college system go far beyond the quality of education and the practical relevance of skills and competencies. For instance, educational institutions’ infrastructure and the degree to which it meets service consumers’ needs should also be considered to benefit students. This paper will discuss the...
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The leading role of an educator conducting the research is determined by the social purpose of the profession. The purpose of the profession consists in transferring to the younger generation the rich experience accumulated by mankind in all spheres of human life. Pedagogical professional tasks are characterized by the creativity...
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The educational achievement gap is the difference between an individual’s level of knowledge prior to and after getting educated. In the United States, the educational achievement gap focuses on measuring persistent differences in educational achievement among students. The achievement gaps are measured in many ways, including standardized test scores, average...
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Summary The current disciplinary event is the meeting in regards to the disciplinary change in placement, thus, the removal of the student in question. Due to learning and behavioral issues, the committee is willing to review the Individualized Educational Program (IEP) and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) that have been implemented...
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Introduction Many skills contribute to a more comfortable and successful life. For example, behavioral and social skills are needed to build relationships with other people (Nasheeda et al., 2019). Emotional and psychosocial skills help support mental well-being and prevent risky behavior. Their acquisition should occur during school in the early...
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Introduction When it comes to landing a job, financial education is usually just as important as academic qualifications in most cases. Even though schools consider this practical advice, they are more concerned with academics and do not do so. The subject of today’s research paper is financial education because finances...
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High school completion and subsequent continuation of education are encouraged for students worldwide. On the other hand, numerous students consider it pointless and uninspiring. They blame their mistakes on faculty members, school policies, and fellow students to take responsibility for their actions instead. It is almost always a sign that...
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Kindergarten is a significant element of children’s education in China. The main purpose of this activity is to receive proper child care, which includes preparation for the future and allows young individuals to develop critical thinking (Studies et al., 2016). These capabilities are highly essential for becoming independent later in...
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Introduction K-12 curriculum backed up by the Every Student Succeeds Act and No Child Left Behind Act offers free education for American children. However, the educational system provides unequal access to education based on the socioeconomic status of children. The discrimination practiced in the curriculum contributes to a higher number...
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The ideas expressed by Catherine Brown in the interview are underpinned by her personal experience with education and, therefore, I tend to agree with the presented standpoint. Indeed, the sole focus on teaching people to become good employees is insufficient for claiming the efficiency of their activity in the long...
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I am writing to you today because I am not pleased with the current legislative limit concerning the number of schools opened in New York City. The current limit of the state-chartered schools is 460, with a smaller sub-cap on the city. Charter schooling has been going on for the...
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While leadership is often disregarded as an essential skill that should be learned in school, in real life, leadership significantly contributes to the overall working process and determines the probability of success for many projects. First, leadership training positively influences students learning process and academic achievements. According to Leithwood et...
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Despite speaking and writing classes being good in different situations, I think that the speaking class is much better in general. Speaking class provides an opportunity to present oneself and creates a space for communication, discussion, and active learning. It can easily be combined with writing to use the advantages...
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The disputable specialized high school admissions exam known as SHSAT once again raised a discussion about its adequacy. Certainly, the test has several disadvantages as a means of selecting the best students for the top schools in New York. First of all, it is the primary measure of the student’s...
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Introduction Studies reveal that minority groups are underrepresented in PWIs despite the existence of efforts by staff and faculty to close this traditional gap. Indeed, there is a large difference between the percentages of the number of students registering and that graduating after college among the minorities compared to the...
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Introduction College costs have been an ongoing topic for discussions within the past decades. Overall, in contemporary US society, the value of education for human happiness has been elevated due to the perceived importance of college in an individual’s accomplishment in life. Such close attention to education and its rising...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on campus life, both in terms of learning and life in general. The media viewed COVID-19 as an incredibly dangerous and contagious disease, which instilled fear in people and forced them to take increased caution, even dramatically changing the style of communication...
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The paradox is that we live in a society where most Americans accepts the democracy myth to a point where they supported the undemocratic imposition of democracy on Iraq through an illegal war (Zinn and Macedo 120). Most political pundits are against the position on adhering to the proposals on...
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Introduction The article in question, Black Valedictorians and the Toxic Trope of Black Exceptionalism was written by Samuel Getachew for the New York Times magazine and published on June 29, 2021. The article discusses the problems of black exceptionalism in connection with education and learning. The author talks about their...
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Studying and committing oneself to seeking knowledge are essential for the development of a better understanding of the world and one’s place in it. Discoveries people make every day when they explore different topics and disciplines enable them progress as individuals. One of the core ideas which is important for...
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Most high school students are currently engaging in employment while still schooling for several reasons. For instance, most students prefer to work part-time because they come from economically unstable families. As a result, this employment helps them support themselves and provide for some of their family needs. Some students would...
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There is a connection between the students’ grades obtained using this insrument and the teacher’s assessment of their abilities. Sometimes this connection can be influenced by the personal attitude of the teacher to the student. However, the teacher should be unbiased and evaluate only knowledge. The questions should strictly correspond...
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Introduction The goal of this project is to promote greater cultural equality and improve the policies of the Seventy High School to ensure that its community of African-American students receives a high-quality education. More specifically, the overrepresentation of the African-American students in special education classes is an issue that will...
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Introduction This chapter contains an overview of what other scholars have written about the importance of including the views of international students in higher education leadership. The focus of the investigation is on leadership practices in the higher education sector with the attention centred on explaining the importance of diversity....
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The theme of Discussion Mask mandate in K-12 schools. Sabrina Tavernise and Richard Fausset, the participants of the podcast, discuss what the new school year will probably be like in the times of the raging Delta variant. Article/Video Title(s) Back to School Amid the Delta Variant Article/Video(s) Central Argument The...
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I have had to deal with obstacles to my education throughout my life due to my non-visible disabilities. In school, I was not considered a good fit for college or university since I was involved in the Individualized Education Program. Therefore, I know how terrifying the uncertainty of the future...
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Strange as it may seem, the school environment is one of the most unfair in the social context of cultures. Due to a lack of tact and little awareness of the rules of ethics, children often express violent, extremely straightforward behavior toward their peers. In turn, this generates problems of...
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Abstract The recent replacement of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has received significant attention. The change is expected to have a significant impact on education, considering the interventions that the policy holds. This article will analyze the policy from the development, impact, execution,...
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Introduction The quality of teaching and learning is of high importance in the United States. Research showed that the United States “ranked 14th on a composite measure of cognitive skills and educational attainment, behind […] Russia and Poland” (Benjamin & Pashler, 2015, p. 13). Such poor educational outcomes demonstrate that...
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Introduction Teachers are an important part of any society as they provide knowledge to all future professionals in any field. The competence of politicians, doctors, engineers, and journalists, and the general ability of the population to make rational decisions, largely depends on the quality of school and higher education. At...
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Introduction Higher medical education gained momentum several years ago, and the number of students of higher educational facilities in the healthcare area has increased substantially. The growing array of students is associated with diverse challenges yet to be addressed by the administration and these institutions’ leaders. One of these areas...
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The picture demonstrates a frustrated and bored person, perhaps amid the educational process. I recall a similar educational experience from the past when I went through a tedious learning process. Moreover, I also partially associate the picture with the online learning process, as it can be more challenging to make...
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Podcast Title: The Education Lost to the Pandemic. Podcast Central Argument: Pandemic had an impact on the learning of students of all ages Podcast Supporting Evidence: “Across the country, over one million students during the pandemic did not enroll in public school who would have normally been there, and 1/3...
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Introduction Positive learning outcomes for high-school students are essential for their future prosperity and allow them to become full-fledged members of society. However, their achievement can be complicated by the gaps in initiatives intended to develop abilities. In Monroe Comprehensive High School, they are related to soft and social skills,...
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The pandemic significantly influences the way education works for many countries as schools were forced to become remote or hybrid, and not every child, family, and teacher were ready for it. In The Daily’s podcast The Education Lost to The Pandemic, the host Michael Barbaro and the New York Times...
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Education process is sometimes challenging, both for the students and for the professor. This is due to different factors, but one of the factors that make teaching more difficult is teaching in diverse classes. Children with different backgrounds and learning abilities can cope with the same tasks differently, depending on...
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The value of college education has been discussed for decades, if not centuries. This topic is interesting to the youth and adults alike. For some, it is a question of which path to choose and others think about the future of their children and the country as a whole. In...
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As the study focuses on identifying the issues and hindrances preventing first-generation minority students from college completion, it is necessary to analyze the existing literature on the subject. The history of race and college enrollment dynamics, factors influencing the completion rate, and institutions’ best practices in supporting and retaining minority...
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Introduction A person’s academic performance, defined as the extent to which a student has met the intended short- and long-term educational goals, plays a significant role in defining the range of further educational opportunities and the chances of graduating from secondary school on time. Taking that into account, academic performance...
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Archambault, I., Vandenbossche-Makombo, J., & Fraser, S. L. (2017). Students oppositional behaviors and engagement in school: The differential role of the student-teacher relationship. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(6), 17021712. There is unanimity in educational research that early involvement in learning activities is a fundamental aspect of perseverance and...
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Recognition and receiving awards in the research sphere and higher education institutions have already become a subject for research. Bazner, Vaid, and Stanley (2020) made their own contribution to the topic in their article Who is meritorious? Gendered and racialized discourse in named award descriptions in professional societies of higher...
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The concept to be examined in this post is that one of an imaginary audience. Being an important part of the framework that Elkind develop in order to understand the specifics of personal development, the imaginary audience phenomenon typically occurs during one’s teenage years. Implying that an individual starts behaving...
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Introduction Although education levels across the world are rising, the quality of students is steadily dropping. Lardieri reports that IQ scores in students across the world are in decline. This tendency is seen not only across the US but also in Norway, the UK, France, the Netherlands, and Finland, among...
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Introduction American legislation states that school education is compulsory for all Americans in spite of their income and social status. This requirement is satisfied mainly by public schools, especially in lower-income communities where people cannot afford high tuition fees. Public schools exist in all the American states, but their ratio...
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While myriads of issues in higher education are only discussed among members of the education fraternity in the United States, the sharp upsurge in its cost is no longer treated as a sole topic for academia—politicians and parents alike fume over the ostensibly unstoppable surge of costs of post-high school...
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Cell phones can be termed as a crucial part of our livelihood today. Be it at home, at work place or even in school system, having a cell phone is inevitable. It is very important for schools and all learning institutions to allow learners to possess cell phones while in...
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Introduction The article in question, Black Valedictorians and the Toxic Trope of Black Exceptionalism is written by Samuel Getachew for the New York Times magazine. The article discusses problems of black exceptionalism in connection with education and learning. The author discusses the media’s coverage of the educational system as well...
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Introduction Recent research shows that 28% of students have suffered from bullying by reaching sixth grade (“October is Bullying Prevention Month,” 2015). Bullying is described as the intentional tormenting of someone in a physical, verbal, or psychological way. It can range from hitting, shoving, name-calling and threats to taking money...
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The fraud triangle is a theoretical concept explaining the prerequisites for participating in fraudulent activities. According to it, fraud requires opportunity, pressure, and rationalization to occur (Maulidi, 2020). This theory can also explain students engaging in academic dishonesty. The Internet makes borrowing information without referencing or finding another person to...
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The article provides a debate on whether universities should make standardized tests, such as Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and American College Testing (ACT), as optional. Jack Buckley, president of the testing company Imbellus Inc. claims that test scores should be in consideration for admission, while Dominique Baker of Southern Methodist...
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Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has recently been amended; it allows states to be free in their attitude toward using types of tests and assessments. Many states started to implement or propose the ACT and the SAT college admission tests, which are focused on summarizing assessments in high school. However,...
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Introduction The assessments of students’ progress over time which are performed by all educational facilities throughout the country, are critical for addressing the potential gaps in their skillsets and ensuring their correspondence to the requirements. However, it is generally performed by adopting testing instruments developed per the established standards, whereas...
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The COVID-19 crisis significantly affected every sphere of human life, introducing those phenomena and issues that had been considered impossible a few years ago. It refers to wearing masks, maintaining a social distance, and entirely relying on online education in colleges and universities. Even though this studying approach allowed for...
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The Osmo Genius starter kit is a learning system that integrates physical play with the digital world. This tool is manufactured for elementary school-aged children through to early tweens, with an age rating of six to ten years. The kit incorporates five games that are geared towards ensuring children acquire...
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The leading theme of the article is the disproportionate representation of racial groups in particular educational institutions. The essence of the difficulty is that the colored children who are the subjects of this study do not undergo proper identification procedures for special education. Consequently, there is a spreading tendency to...
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Children and adults on the island of Oahu in Hawaii face the problem of poor education. The low quality of education is presented especially in public institutions; the situation is slightly better in private schools. The problem lies in the multicultural society of the population with different views and visions...
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In this video, Rita Pierson gives a rather inspiring and meaningful speech. The meaning of her words is that it is necessary to realize that relationships play the leading role in learning. Her speech is based on her life experience as a teacher. She gives various examples of positive and...
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Motivation plays a major role in education because it impacts teachers’ approaches to student learning and stimulates their growth and development. Motivated teachers express interest in new ideas, experiment with diverse methods, and express commitment to supporting struggling students and reaching performance goals (Zepeda, 2016). Supervisors are responsible for encouraging...
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Introduction The Rogerian strategy is chosen to address the topic as people now feel rather tired of using this educational service. Hence, it is important to demonstrate the relevance and validity of some of their arguments and then provide sound evidence to persuade readers. Brief Background for the Present-Day Peculiarities...
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Introduction Many students register for online causes from various schools, but the question is, how many of them manage to complete their courses? Recent research has shown that 52% of students registered for a course online don’t look at the courseware. At the same time, about 96% of those students...
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In her article devoted to social class and school experiences, Anyon concludes that “differing curricular, pedagogical, and pupil evaluation practices emphasize different cognitive and behavioral skills in each social setting and thus contribute to the development in the children of certain potential relationships… to the process of work” (90). From...
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Some countries across the world have made public colleges easily accessible by making them tuition-free. Most European countries like Germany, France, and Spain, among others, were among the first countries to offer free college education and have done so since then. Most states in the United States have also begun...
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Introduction It is common for the representatives of the older generations to highlight the importance and various benefits of getting a college education. Indeed, many people would agree that their bachelor’s degree is the key to an extended number of opportunities, and college is an essential step toward the desired...
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College Exam Cheating and Plagiarism Cases of exam cheating and plagiarism have risen among college students, causing anxiety among education stakeholders. Academic education and adopting specialization have been identified as possible solutions. Academic Education The urge to copy someone else’s works primarily derives from a lack of self-confidence, as students...
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In the real world, there are objective relationships and connections between objects. And that is why, along with the definition of concepts, their division and classification play a special role. When studying a concept, if we consider it to explore reality, we always focus on the distribution of objects that...
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The paragraph offered for analysis tells the reader about key points to consider when designing a curriculum. First and foremost, the section focuses on the question of whether learning facilitates or hinders education. The author argues that today’s learning system impedes the younger generation’s education. Further on, the text of...
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Nowadays, people live in a world that is rapidly developing and changing. Progress notably affects students as they regularly receive updated information, test new teaching methods, research, and look at the latest discoveries. However, in addition to the gradual overall progress, society faced unexpected difficulties caused by the COVID-19 outbreak....
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Introduction The issue of preventing situations of violence in the education system is very relevant nowadays. According to the United Nations, violence in school is exposed to every tenth student in the world, and the number is growing every year (Pinheiro). However, it should be noted that this problem did...
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Introduction Student loan cancellation is one of the issues that has been in public discussion in the recent past. Some economists posit that the move is suitable for the economy, while others object to economic stimulus. According to Roll et al. (2021), canceling USD 50,000 student loan will enable borrowers...
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Introduction New York public schools are located within New York City. The community is an urban town that lies upon the quota of the Appalachian Mountains, where the mountains commonly adopt the features of hills confined within its closed boundaries to the west and north by Lake Erie, Ontario Lake,...
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The history of education in the United States of America can be divided into the following seven periods: The Puritans, newcomers from England, have always believed that the family plays a vital role in the younger generation’s education. They thought that every person from birth has a vocation for some...
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Summary The significant changes in demography prompt a paradigm shift in educational assessment towards social justice for people whose native language is not English. Nowadays, standardized tests are particularly challenging for English Language Learners (ELLs) because the learning of subjects is complicated by the simultaneous need to acquire new language...
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The diversity in public schools regarding race and ethnicity is at its peak. Even though this is the case, segregation in these institutions is still alive for students of color (Ramlackhan, 2020). There is also a significant number of students of color in concentrated poverty in these institutions that are...
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Anne Perrin was born in 1948 and received the B. A. degree from the University of Houston, M. A. from Sam Houston State University, and her Ph.D. from the University of Houston. She had worked as a teacher at the University of Houston, at Lone Star College, North Harris, and...
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The article The Reason College Costs More than You Think by Marcus presents a controversial issue regarding the time spent in undergraduate studies and the funds that students need to earn their bachelor’s degrees. Marcus addresses the issue of the length of study and brings up a sensitive social issue....
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Introduction The presence of numerous stereotypes in present-day society is one of the main obstacles to everyone’s well-being. However, they seem to be natural from the perspective of people’s tendency to compare themselves to others and, therefore, can hardly be avoided. Meanwhile, even though unjustified personal convictions are an integral...
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This paper is a personal marketing summary describing the environment anticipated after graduation. The subject of this paper is the graduate school at the University of Memphis for Business Administration (UofM Global Online). First, it is essential to discuss the admission statistics of the university. According to the U. S....
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Introduction Since 2001 No Child Left Behind policy, standardized testing has become the new norm of assessment by state and national officials. It is efficient and cheap to administer while providing broad indicators of student population progress on standards, which are basic memorization of facts with sometimes skills (such as...
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Student loan debt currently stands at 1.73 trillion dollars and is the second-largest consumer debt in the United States. The problem of student debt forgiveness was at the forefront of the presidential election in 2020 and remains a controversial issue today. I believe the government should cancel all student debt...
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The humanities are areas of science that open the path to the exciting world of valuable knowledge accumulated over thousands of years. Via examining the humanities, I have the excellent opportunity to acquire or develop essential mental skills, such as critical thinking, reasoning, creativity, asking pertinent questions, and notice important...
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Problem identification Development of models that help solve critical issues depends on a company’s desires to tackle its problems in a scientific approach. This will need sound mechanical orientations to attempt and unravel such mysteries, once identified institution of appropriate measures becomes long overdue. In this context, the company does...
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The dress code and mandatory school uniform for all school-going students is an issue which has sparked a debate with parents, teachers, government, and society who have divergent views on the whole matter. The burden of the entire matter lies with parents who have to ensure that their children are...
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Stress is commonly perceived as a phenomenon immanent to human existence, a negative expression of emotional discomfort, and a cause of various types of suffering. However, scholars argue that the experience of short-term stress is necessary for living organisms. Moreover, it is beneficial since stress launches mechanisms responsible for committing...
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Abstract The state whereby an individual is fully aware of their psychological potential and can effectively handle psychological pressure is referred to as mental health. The literature review aims to examine how online learning, student debts, and racism affect students’ mental health in higher learning institutions. The literature review additionally...
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The essay is aimed at the administration and student councils of higher education institutions in the United States. I would like to publish it in one of the academic journals discussing current issues in the higher education field, as well as student newspapers on campus. Introduction Racial inequality and the...
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Introduction Although online education is a good option for people aspiring to stay at home, it is necessary to evaluate all the effects of this form of education to avoid negative consequences. Online education is a form of studying that allows access to educational material from any location and at...
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Was there a clear statement of the aims of the research Yes Can’t Tell No what was the goal of the research? The article provides a clear statement of the study’s goal, in the beginning, outlining their objective – to find out what factors affect intensive care nurses’ compliance with...
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Technological development provides the opportunity to have easy and quick access to information and other people. Logically, it leads to the use of the internet for educational purposes. Various educational institutions provide access not only to traditional classroom methods of teaching but also to online studying. These courses differ from...
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The digital age has improved many areas of human activity. It has affected the processes of learning, receiving, and delivering information. Presentations have become an integral part of human’s professional and educational lives. Therefore, it is very important to pay due attention to the process of preparation for them in...
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Abstract Recent graduate high-school students usually encounter hardship times when entering college. In order to help young people to overcome barriers that deter their academic performance, educational institutions provide a range of programs to empower students for future challenges. They include guidance counseling, dual enrollment, advanced placement, and international baccalaureate....
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Sometimes school districts are confronted by the need to reform policies to suit the needs of students as the main primary stakeholder. An example of a debatable experience is the change in the school starting program. The discussion in this paper will revolve around a school policy or a situation...
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Elizabeth and Robert Bjork provide some valuable advice for students in their TED speech “How to study to maximize performance” of 2018. However, the lesson of how to learn successfully could be useful for people of different backgrounds, professions, and ages. The main insight is that learning and our performance...
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Introduction For educational institutions, cheating is a serious threat to the quality of the academic education received. Systematic cheating causes a lack of final knowledge and, therefore, a decrease in the overall intellectual level of students (Orosz et al., 2018). According to an article in the assignment text, frequent cheating...
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Introduction It was noticed long ago that language determines the limits of one’s perception of the world. It is central to many areas of human existence, but learning is arguably one of the most important spheres among them. Therefore, problems related to language usage may seriously affect educational outcomes and...
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