Test Anxiety Students need to take numerous tests during their studies, which can often be a stressful experience for many. Some of the reasons for the difficulty of test-taking include the complexity of the associated material, the need for certain skills, a short period of time given to complete assignments....
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In the modern world, young people are engaged in a constant stream of digital interaction that allows them to participate in a variety of activities. Gee (2010) emphasizes that this kind of interaction allows them to “develop technical expertise in a plethora of different areas” (p. 13). The main focus,...
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The connection between motivation and learning is an essential part of achieving necessary educational outcomes for numerous individuals throughout the world. Multiple psychological investigations report that the existence of motivation is closely related to the person’s learning capabilities, potentially enhancing the quality and amount of knowledge gained through education (Bauer...
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With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting most areas of life worldwide, the toll on the education system as we know it was inevitable. To adapt to the new sanitary demands, the learning process was restructured for classes of secondary and tertiary education to be delivered online. This transformation influenced a modern...
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Abstract The article aims to research the effects of the pandemic and subsequent quarantine measures on pupils’ performance and evaluate various solutions suggested to the performance and grading issues. Numerous assessments of the pandemic impact on performance and grading from different countries and different time periods were reviewed and analyzed....
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Bilingual education is an exciting but challenging type of teaching because it utilizes two languages in academic training. The main problem, in this case, is the shortage of experienced teachers and resources to provide adequate training (Amanti, 2019). Indeed, according to Briceño et al. (2018), bilingual teachers became hard to...
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Notes The main event in the research conducted by AlAteeq et al. (2020) is the coronavirus pandemic. After the COVID-19 outbreak, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) implemented stringent measures to control the highly infectious disease spread. Some of the precautions included closing all educational institutions in the country. Therefore,...
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Introduction School dropouts are defined as individuals who choose to leave school before graduating from their final grade. From the beginning of the sixties till today, as universal secondary school attendance became the norm for all individuals, dropouts have been extensively studied by educators, researchers in the field of education,...
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If a child is sent to school by a parent, they rely on the area to ensure their safety. Would it not be helpful to know that your child’s school is ready for anything every day? The number of school shooting are rising continuously, almost unfeasible, to pinpoint the specific...
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To prepare an informative presentation, every author should be able to work with information. This includes abilities to find, analyze and utilize credible information. Today, when everybody has access to the Internet, it is very easy to find a lot of information just by using Google. Unfortunately, not everything written...
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It is important to note that utilitarianism is among a number of ethical frameworks under which moral and ethical decisions can be made. The general concept is primarily tied to the notions of pain and pleasures, where the key incentive is focused on maximizing the amount of the latter. Therefore,...
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The influence of the Net is a highly debatable issue discussed by many scholars. Some consider computer systems to be a handy everyday helper to comply with the pressing amount of information. Some, on the contrary, believe that technologies are destructive and harm the personality. In the article called “Is...
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Introduction School education is the social institution that most of all influences the lives of children and adolescents. Therefore, the high quality of all aspects of schooling is crucial for the thriving well-being of society. However, recent data show that math education in the United States is in serious trouble....
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In the modern educational space, there are increasing discussions about cybersecurity and the safe behavior of students in it. Current teachers need to protect children from negative or harmful information on the Internet. To do this, teachers need to adhere to three levels of the organization of the educational process:...
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In the article, the author describes the aftermath of the pandemic and its’ impact on the educational system of community colleges. The author explains the issue through statistical data and gives several perspectives on the issue through stories of former community college students and why they have decided to drop...
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Introduction College fee is at an all-time high in America, and this cost keeps rising. Some parents worry that they may not be able to afford to take their child to college. Others question whether going to college is worth the high costs. However, with a proper savings plan, it...
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School violence is an urgent problem for most educational facilities in the Unties States. Physical and psychological violence, sexual harassment, bullying, cyberbullying, and the use of weapons on the school premises present a substantial danger to the safety, health, and well-being of the coming generation. Thus, schools and teachers should...
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Abstract Today, there is a global problem with the quality of low-income education. The differences between the latter and high-income education deserve public attention. Relying on quantitative research and using online academic databases, this paper reviews the causes of low-income education, its consequences, and impact on young people and their...
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The situation with the lost jacket is rather disturbing due to the possibility of stealing in the classroom. That conflict could create an atmosphere of distrust among parents, teachers, and students. If the parent is sure that the jacket was lost during the classes, a teacher should take a series...
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The problem-posing education is too much teaching while the students have little to learn. They listen to the lecturer and write notes without any form of interaction. The students are supposed to remember all the information the lecturer gave for exam purposes, and once they do exams, they forget everything....
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What are the factors behind the good and bad academic standing of students in college? Why do some students have higher grades than others? College life consists of a variety of activities including interactions with friends, student clubs, family, part-time work, research, etc. Such activities influence a student’s academic performance...
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Executive Summary School funding significantly depends on the economic state of both the state and the whole country. In turn, taking into consideration that COVID-19 has affected the economy of the entire world, budgeting is expected to decrease significantly in the next several years. In order to determine the direct...
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Motivation is what influences individuals to act in a certain way towards achieving their objectives. Inspiration comprises social, emotional, biological, and cognitive forces that activate behavior. It does not only refer to the aspects that activate behaviors in people; motivation also includes the factors that maintain and guide goal-directed actions....
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Introduction The assigned chapter addresses the impacts of physical activity on children’s physical and mental well-being. One of the most commonly applied physical activity sessions is the physical education (P.E) class which gives an opportunity for students to exercise as part of their school programs. However, the study shows that...
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In the aftermath of the World War II societies across al Europe entered a new period in their social and cultural transformation. However, the biggest impact was felt by the countries that had been parts of the Alliance, including, of course, the United Kingdom. To deal with the consequences of...
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Azmitia, Margarita, et al. “Dropping Out Is Not an Option”: How Educationally Resilient First-Generation Students See the Future.” New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, vol. 2018, no. 160, 2018, pp. 89-100. Wiley. Web. This article by Azmitia et al. addresses first-generation college-going students’ (FGCS) resilience that enables them to...
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Defining the Problem The first step in solving any problem is to define it. Therefore, there is a need to determine the issue of student parking on campus and identify reasons for its relevance. Parking on campus has always been a problem for several reasons. The lack of parking spaces...
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A year ago, the COVID-19 virus came to the surface and dramatically changed students’ lives in many aspects. Everything has changed quickly and drastically, with reality shifting from something we were used to, something we have never imagined. Businesses, schools, individual households, and society were faced with a new invisible...
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Until the second half of the nineteenth century, the education system in America was available only to the wealthy. With the arrival of reformers, free elementary education became available to every American child by the end of the nineteenth century. They believed that all children should gain the benefits of...
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Children go through several stages in their development, each characterized by its features. However, this process is not fixed and is the same for all children without exception. Although there are general descriptions of developmental stages, internal and external factors can change a child’s development, making it atypical. This essay...
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Introduction On average, Native Americans are the poorest communities in the country. While the US’ poverty rate averages at 10.5%, that of the indigenous people is at least 25.4% (Dawley 2020, 279; Him et al. 2019, 81). This is higher than those of Blacks and Hispanics which are 20.8% and...
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Introduction High school and college courses are traditionally taught within classrooms or lecture halls. However, in recent years more and more students have opted to pursue education outside the classroom via distance-learning programs, or programs in which the instructor and student are in different locations. While such programs have been...
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Ball, Molly, et al. “School’s Out.” TIME Magazine, vol. 196, no. 5-6, 2020, pp. 68-75. During the pandemic, the specifics of learning developed. Ball et al. argue that many children are being educated at a distance anyway, as the state does not have enough money or time to sort out...
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The coronavirus pandemic has necessitated digital communication as more people work from home but still need to collaborate in teams. I have personally encountered several internal and external barriers to effective intercultural communication. An example of my experience with internal barriers to intercultural communication is during a period when I...
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One of the primary concerns for educators in the U.S. has been providing quality and equal education to every learner, regardless of their origin. Today, an achievement gap persists since African American students consider themselves failures and become deviant due to insufficient school resources. Many years after the Civil Rights...
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Recently, the issue of plagiarism has become prevalent in almost every institution of higher learning, negatively impacting students’ performance, and their academic outcomes. Thus, it is crucial for universities to emphasize the meaning of plagiarism, its associated effects and how to shun the vice. This paper entails a summary of...
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StudyPerth starts online competition for international students The Western Australia Government Education Promotion Institutions – StudyPerth – launches an online competition for international students who study in any Perth (Western Australia) institution and currently live in Western Australia. The competition aims to celebrate the safe neighborhood in the region during...
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Introduction Absenteeism among students has always been a problem in the academic setting, and changes in the rules concerning penalties for the instances thereof have not changed the situation. In order to address the phenomenon, in general, as well as unique cases, in particular, educators will have to set a...
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Many students join colleges with dreams of graduating and achieving much in their lives. Moreover, learners have different visions and goals that help them work hard and improve their academic performance. However, some challenges are experienced before individuals graduate. The obstacles largely impact students’ academic performance, whereby some are forced...
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I am a nursing student at Brenau University, and I am currently studying Biochemistry. During my studies, I have had experience classifying the patients based on their medical history, weight, the severity of conditions, and the amount of care they need. For example, patients with chronic illnesses, arthritis, or cancer...
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Every state authority is tasked with the responsibility of providing affordable education to its citizens. Several educational policies advocate for an equal representation of all students to create inclusive learning. The federal laws of the US are among the global rules meant to forester equitable students’ success. However, implementing a...
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Getting education and developing processional skills is a crucial process that defines one’s ability to work within the set target market. However, due to the increasingly high fees, higher education has become a nearly impossible goal to pursue for a range of learners. Leading to major negative outcomes, which range...
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DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Improving Virtual Learning As a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, learning institutions have shifted to virtual learning and, as a result, there has been a shift in students’ performance. The reasons for this shift are, in most cases, monotonous lectures and explanations from teachers, poor interaction,...
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Online education is one of the most rapidly developing spheres all over the world as the global situation connected with the pandemic crisis made people reconsider their values and forced everybody to change their habitual lifestyles. While more students all over the world choose online schooling, I am more interested...
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It goes without saying that technologies have already affected people’s lives on a daily basis, however, students are impacted to the greatest extent as modern education becomes more and more digitalized. Classroom walls have stopped being barriers as technological progress opens new ways for collaborative work, international communication, and advanced...
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The contemporary corporate environment is characterized by its high level of changeability, which corresponds to the general tendencies within the social landscape. Globalization is observed on all levels, including business, which enables a better exchange of positive ideas. At the same time, the 21st century has seen an increase in...
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In the process of conducting a research, levels of evidence are used to assigned to studies according to the quality, validity, and applicability of the study to patient care. Importantly, the study is also rated based on its strength based on the levels of evidence employed. Therefore, it can be...
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Summary Communication Caregiver 1Playing with a Child Caregiver 2Drawing with a Child Caregiver 3Talking to a Child Directive Accepts the child’s directive to color the picture. Redirection Rephrases the child’s initial statement about playing in the “elevator.” Redirects attention to the other child. Redirects the child’s instructions back...
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Recess is considered a useful learning tool that enhances concentration among learners. Academic institutions develop curricula with vital activities that incorporate periodic rest-time. This discussion presents two distinct viewpoints that support and argue against the social practice among learners. In essence, The recess debate: A disjuncture between educational policy and...
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The article under review is devoted to such an important topic as the style of parenting. Bernstein (2013) explores the connection between parenting and teaching in relation to the classroom outcome. The author states that there is a heated debate surrounding the perceived increase in misbehaving, dishonest, and entitled students...
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, most schools were forced to switch to distance education and still use this system. However, the lack of quality virtual learning programs, resources, and children’s isolation have negatively impacted their learning ability. As a mother of a 10-year-old girl, I encountered such a problem, as my...
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Introduction In this research, I will examine kinds of scientific research that present the leading educational issues from their perspective, which will help me write qualitative research by analyzing pluralistic points of view. Moreover, I will try to illustrate the main drawbacks of the present educational system and provide possible...
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Whether or not they should be upheld, uniforms for academic institutions have long become a subject of controversy. Although the introduction of these dress codes in schools and colleges has its advantages, there are also negative implications. Getting uniforms for learners is to some extent a double-edged sword due to...
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Higher education is one of the critically important success factors in the modern world. It provides people with an opportunity to find a good job, build a career, and acquire a specific social status. However, regardless of multiple attempts to ensure equal and appropriate access to education for all individuals,...
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Introduction Children are born into a new world that presents many unique challenges. The only way they cope with the situation is through attachment to their caregivers and parents, which is a crucial indicator of their late childhood development. The way a baby interacts with the mother or father is...
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As communication technologies progress and improve, remote education becomes less of a theoretical concept, and more of reality made manifest. Moreover, recent events associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and corresponding lockdown and social distancing measures increase the importance of remote education even more. When personal contact is strictly limited, learning...
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In my article, I will consider how semester exams affect students’ emotional stability. This topic is particularly acute for many students who face various mental problems in the background of their studies. Moreover, this topic is relevant for students who expect final exams at the end of the academic year....
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Recently, colleges have become subject to increased scrutiny in terms of student access, production of quantifiable outcomes, and rising costs. Graduation and retention rates are among the key metrics used to measure success and progress for institutions of higher learning. While there has been an increase in the transition to...
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Introduction The main aim of public schools is to allow students with different backgrounds and economic opportunities to receive the same level of education. However, in the United States today, the school funding drastically differs based on the state and the district due to financial policies and an unbalanced distribution...
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The publication by Attewell et al. provides an in-depth analysis of the effects of higher education on life opportunities and accomplishment in a long-term perspective for the representatives of minority and underprivileged populations. Overall, the author’s choice of the topic is influenced by the increased attention of public discourse toward...
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Introduction Truancy refers to the deliberate and unauthorized absence from school, whether it be for valid reasons or not. In this case, a student misses classes on their own free will. It does not include legitimate excused absences that could occur due to situations like illness or tragedy. In many...
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Introduction Educators are professionals who apply their competencies to create environments and situations that make it possible for their learners to understand the presented content. These experts should have a strong background in the field of education since it empowers them to identify students’ diverse needs. They present a wide...
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In the context of present-day development, adherence to diversity appears to be a priority. In order to spread tolerant ideas in society, it is essential to promote this value at schools. It is undeniable that private schools have progressed towards diversity in many aspects, though this field still requires improvements....
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Introduction Doctoral education differs significantly from the previous learning stages as it moves away from the usual model of classes and assignments. Thus, students have to unlearn many of the well-developed skills and enter the studying prepared to face challenges (Pifer & Baker, 2016). Some of the issues are related...
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Dear High School Students, My name is … and I’m a student who considers it a tragedy that today’s high school students drop out in record numbers. I have a friend who is a dropout and tries to survive on government aid. I see that this phenomenon is gaining momentum...
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Tedick, D. J. and Lyster, R. (2019) Scaffolding language development in immersion and dual language classrooms. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis. This book is one of the primary sources of information valuable for the analysis of students’ engagement in the learning process and comprehension of themes relating to language...
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Introduction Education is often discussed through the prism of market relations, showing an increasing number of similarities with other spheres. According to this paradigm, education can be viewed as a process of service delivery. In this case, students serve as customers of the institutions, paying tuition fees to receive a...
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Introduction University tuition has become an integral component of modern-day society, considering it exposes the graduate to numerous opportunities in life. The National Center for Education Statistics data indicates that college cost in an in-state institution is about $19,000 per annum (Acton, 2020). The high amount of college tuition fee...
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Introduction The African American youth throughout the United States face unique challenges that extend to the education setting. The standard education frameworks, practices, and procedures may, therefore, not prove as effective when applied to this population. Several studies provide evidence of the challenges faced by American minorities in education and...
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An organization consists of people who exist in an inherent link. A healthy relationship between the two implies considering what is beneficial for both and recognizing that one’s personality might be a vital factor. For education, which is a highly personified field, this notion is particularly relevant. However, an educational...
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The Oral Presentation The issue of interest is to develop a deeper understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the social inclusion policy. According to Hunkin (2018), the problem of the current early education system is that quality is identified with governmental investment rather than human capital. Meanwhile, specialists in...
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As the modern world faces a global pandemic, the issue of distance education started to arise. Many institutions appeared to be unprepared or unequipped to switch to online education, making the educational process less enriching for students and more challenging for the teachers. The main reason for this was the...
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Big Mountain High School (BMHS) has an issue with the school’s decision-making culture, as was demonstrated by the Language Art’s department struggle to change the curriculum in a way that would allow the students to get a well-rounded education. Fullan’s theory explains why the proposal of having a core program...
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When it comes to investigating the research problem from Week 4, the further step is to draw attention to various sampling structures. Scholars can use probability or nonprobability sampling, depending on what objectives they want to achieve. As for the research problem regarding teenage pregnancy, the two sampling structures can...
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Introduction A research was conducted to investigate how Islamophobia affected Muslim college students in American colleges (Ataie, 2019). It was a case study of university students from UC Berkeley following the 2016 controversial presidential campaign that sought to institute a Muslim ban into the US (Ataie, 2019). In the methodology,...
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In recent years, a highly disturbing situation related to the underrepresentation of African American females in higher education has undergone substantial positive changes. However, despite this fact, African American women currently experience multiple problems and face substantial challenges and higher education barriers of different origins. African American females may be...
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Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a popular part of K-12 learning. It “fosters knowledge, skills, and attitudes across five areas of competence and multiple key settings to establish equitable learning environments that advance students’ learning and development” (“SEL: What are the core competence,” n. d.). The SEL Framework includes...
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While studying the topic of standardized testing, I managed to learn a number of new facts that will certainly assist me in the future. First of all, it is important to define the term of standardized tests, which are the assessments that are given to large amounts of students, that...
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Many urban public schools in the United States have a significant number of students from minority groups. However, their teachers are from different communities. This scenario makes it impossible for more learners to benefit from the attributes of culturally responsive teaching. In diverse learning environments, existing ethnic differences will affect...
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Introduction Currently, the education system is overwhelmed by numerous political confrontations, varying from changes in disciplinary policies to decreased funding from the government. Many people accept that the provision of a high-quality curriculum is vital for all citizens at large (Brighouse et al., 2018). Nonetheless, the education sector provides different...
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As for the LIBS standards, the paper required thorough investigation of the resources, and finding necessary references. In LIBS 6972 the investigation was held in accordance with the requirements of the bibliography creation. All the found sources were thoroughly analyzed, and the necessary selected on the basis of the novelty,...
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Introduction Primary education sets a foundation for a child’s future and behavior. The researcher aimed to examine a socially valuable issue of education, precisely the different types of education facilities that parents choose for their children and the reasoning behind this choice. The hypothesis is that a kind of education...
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Introduction At the present, there has been a drastic and dramatic change in the overall procedure and system of education. This has been brought by several factors such as, advancement in technology as well as improved infrastructure and communication means. Due to technology, online learning has been possible. Online learning...
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The significance of higher education cannot be overestimated; however, many American students are facing the issue of not being able to afford it. For this reason, they have to take a loan with the expectation to repay it after graduation. Nevertheless, a diploma does not necessarily guarantee a high-paying job;...
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In the United States, minority students with learning disabilities form the highest percentage in comparison with those from other ethnicities. This disproportionate representation creates an overall imbalance in the student population and the anticipated outcomes. Eggen and Kauchak (2020) indicate that “over 90 percent of students with disabilities who receive...
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The expansion of an organization is always associated with potential risks and requires careful examination of the financial framework. ZXY is a food supply company that is planning on introducing the development of two new products, as well as expanding to a second production facility that the company is considering...
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Research Design This research intends to apply interpretive phenomenology, the aim of which is to describe, understand, and interpret the experiences of study participants. The “being in the world” (dasein) concept is particularly relevant within the interpretive phenomenology approach, thus suggesting that being human is a situated activity, a situation...
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The timing was chosen by Teaching Assistants (TAs) in declaring a strike is very crucial, especially at a time when the exams are due and McGill is duty-bound to conduct them peacefully without any disruption in view of the future of several students being at stake. The TAs, after their...
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Standardized testing is a comprehensive and commonly adopted approach of evaluating one’s knowledge in an allegedly fair manner. While it enables students to enter the workforce as school graduates or continue their studies in college, the current use of this assessment strategy is widely debated due to its numerous drawbacks....
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Introduction The world is currently undergoing many changes caused by coronavirus pandemic that originated in China in December of 2019. The Covid-19 virus spreads through close contact with an infected person or contaminated surfaces. As a result, strict restrictions were adopted in China and other parts of the world, which...
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Introductions Global trends refer to factors likely to shape the future of organizations. These trends can also be strategies being adopted by organizations to improve their competitiveness in the future. The global trends not only affect the future of organizations, but also the careers of their employees. The effect of...
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The author of the article “Why Quality Matters in Education” argues that education for all is one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Several sources of motivation encourage societies to improve their schooling processes. However, many initiatives and education policies have only focused on quantity. That being the case, the...
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Context The concept of autonomy in general education most commonly refers to the decentralization of schools in terms of programs, organization, and finance. In Vietnam, the issue of autonomy has been regulated and implemented on different levels of the education system for the last decade (Improve the quality of general...
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National control of education has become something of an international problem. Developed countries have allowed their respective federal governments to take control of education out of the sense that there is desperation to repair the system for students. The education system here, as in other countries, is in need of...
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Introduction Topic Background Despite various advances in its organization, the formal education system retains a number of issues. Some children are unable to keep up with the curriculum and do not receive adequate aid, while in other cases, children or parents feel that the pace of education is too slow...
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The study by Hakanen et al. (2006) identifies and describes two processes connected with the levels of burnout and work engagement in general education teachers. The first process is called energetical, and it centers around job demand that causes increased teacher burnout levels and, therefore, affects teachers’ health. The second...
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Preschool experience plays a pivotal role in a person’s development, as it lays the foundation for their character. Accordingly, as a teacher, I feel obliged to provide children with a suitable environment, promoting their growth through appropriate activities. An educated person of the 21st century is well developed in several...
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Introduction Diversity and inclusion are essential elements of a contemporary Australian classroom. In a typical classroom in Australian, diversity means teaching a unique set of children with different cultural and social backgrounds. Moreover, these children may differ in their aptitudes, abilities, interests, personalities and a plethora of other factors that...
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Scenario In 2008, a group of six students from Virginia High School was suspended for staging a walkout to protest the election of President, Donald Trump. The suspension was initially expected to last for the remainder of the school term, but the school board extended the period by one year...
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Abstract The presented paper revolves around problems adolescents with juvenile detention might face when trying to rehabilitate and acquire appropriate education. The question remains topical as the number of young people with such problems continues to grow, meaning that there is a need for effective strategies to help them. The...
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TED Institute offers Emilie Weight’s presentation about living with a son who has an intellectual disability. In fact, this short talk impressed me a lot because and caused several reactions. First, I was excited about Emily’s attitude toward the situation and her courage to share her experience with the child’s...
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Situation Summary Reading skills constitute a pivotal part of basic human activities that predetermine cognitive development in children. Elementary school is a critical time when such skills are most actively acquired. However, minors often fail to devote enough effort and time to reading due to the increasing technological advancement rate...
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