Problems of Education Essay Examples for Free - Page 6

Problems of Education Essay Examples for Free

Current Issue in Education: Promoting Student Independence

Introduction The ongoing educational issue associated with developing independence in students remains on the crossroads. Encouraging students being independent not only has significant benefits for them but can also potentially increase the impact of educational approaches and tools, including the facilitation of cost-effective learning. According to the Education Endowment Foundation...

Words: 5524 Pages: 20

The Educational Efforts During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This scholarly source is a research study on the effectiveness of the educational efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic as one of the most critical issues in contemporary education. The study explores the challenges in the form of the technology use skills gap and socioeconomic disparities that obstruct the efficacy of...

Words: 2424 Pages: 10

Coronavirus Pandemic and Educational Process

In the year 2020, the entire planet has been affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic. As the disease spread across the globe, countries had to introduce particular restrictions in order to limit direct human contact and stop the outbreak. All spheres of people’s activities have been affected by the coronavirus...

Words: 383 Pages: 1

Why Online Education is the Best Option

Education is an essential aspect of human life because it prepares individuals to live in a highly competitive environment. Learning establishments apply various mechanisms when imparting students with knowledge. While most institutions use face-to-face interactions to teach, online education is quickly gaining prominence across the globe. Proponents of classroom scholarship...

Words: 574 Pages: 2

Social Problems within Education

There is a big number of problems that one can come up with when thinking about social issues within an educational environment. For instance, racism which is present in every sphere of society and education is not an exception, gender issues and cultural issues, unequal opportunities based on status. What...

Words: 515 Pages: 2

The Education Promotion Project

Introduction Notably, education is an important aspect of modern society. Young people are encouraged to ensure that they get educated with an aim of bettering their future lives (Darlon, 2007). However, it has been noted that adolescent withdrawal from school has become a matter of concern lately. Many young people...

Words: 1417 Pages: 5

Bayview University Coping With Cheating Incidences

Introduction There has been an increase in the number of cheating incidences in most educational institutions. In fact, a big number of business executives are engaging in unethical behaviors. This is attributed to the rising cases of cheating in most business schools. In order to stem this tide, Bayview University...

Words: 2252 Pages: 8

Adolescents and Disengagement from Education

Introduction One out of ten teenagers of between sixteen and eighteen years old is either disengaged in education, professional training, or even employment (Verkuyten & Brug 2003). The period between the age of 11 and 17 is characterized by excessive stress. This is the period in which the youths experience...

Words: 1464 Pages: 5

Journal Article Review: Correlates of Physical Violence at School: A Multilevel Analysis of Australian High School Students

Introduction In “Correlates of Physical Violence at School: A Multilevel Analysis of Australian High School Students,” authors Anne C. Grunseit, Neil Donnelly and Don Weatherburn argue the thesis that school policies and development and growth factors influence violent behavior among students. The article approaches this discussion by employing the Social...

Words: 1219 Pages: 4

Adolescent Withdrawal From School: Media Planning for the Education Project

Introduction Notably, adolescent withdrawal from school has been on the rise in recent years (Drennon-Gala, 1995; Verkuyten & Brug 2003). This prompts the need to promote adolescent engagement in educational activities (Christenbury, 2009; Finn, 1989). The aspect of media requires a plan in order to facilitate materials and communications needed....

Words: 1195 Pages: 4

Low Literacy Rate is an Education Problem

Literacy and socioeconomic status The socioeconomic status of an individual is measured by examining the occupation, income, and the educational qualifications of the person (American Psychological Association, 2013). Therefore, literacy is a vital component that affects the socioeconomic status of any individual or group. Furthermore, literacy is a fundamental requirement...

Words: 556 Pages: 2

Incorporating Children With Autism in the General Education Classrooms

The purpose of this pilot study is to develop a system of determining the effectiveness of incorporating children with autism in general education classrooms. Autism Spectrum Disorder is one of the most important challenges to the parents, learners, and teachers in an educational environment. The disorder has been compared to...

Words: 920 Pages: 4

State Education Financing Law

Introduction Authentically, management of school funds should be under strict control of legislature. Unfortunately, the allocation of school resources generates a number of problems in the Colorado states because school funding is carried out basically by local government with little control of the state government. The guidelines and roles of...

Words: 3372 Pages: 12

Students Should Have the Freedom to Pick the Courses They Want

Introduction Main Discussion Conclusion References Allen, Jeff and Steven B. Robbins. “Prediction of College Major Persistence Based on Vocational Interests, Academic Preparation, and FirstYear Academic Performance.” Research in Higher Education. 49.1 (2008): 62-79. Web. Callender, Claire, and Jonathan Jackson. “Does the Fear of Debt Deter Students from Higher Education?” Journal...

Words: 1012 Pages: 4

Adult Education in the United States

Abstract The purpose of this letter is to address the need for effective adult education and training. For a long time, teaching models have been designed for children. Currently, enormous research has been conducted to identify effective ways to teach adults. In this light, this paper will define the adult...

Words: 1096 Pages: 4

Online Scholarly Discussions: Online Learning

The principles of a scholarly discussion in an online environment underscore the rules of etiquette that should be observed for productive sessions. The contemporary learning has shifted to online platforms where learners are required to engage in virtual discussions with instructors and fellow students. The same rules that are followed...

Words: 554 Pages: 2

Factors Influencing Student Satisfaction in University of Reading

Introduction In the modern society, learning has shifted from being teacher-cantered to being student-cantered. It has become apparent that the only way of making learners to understand concepts taught in classroom settings is to hand them the power to determine their academic life. They have to be the drivers in...

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Virginia Commonwealth University Educational Evolution

Introduction Formed in 1968, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) has grown in leaps and bounds to become the leading university in Virginia and one of the most prestigious universities in the United States and the world (VCU Data Set 2004-2005 1). The university, which began as a community college serving the...

Words: 3352 Pages: 12

Challenges for Science Education

Introduction Knowledge is very important in the future development of a country. People who are literate in sciences play a vital role in the creation as well as the application of such knowledge. It has been said that learning never stops (Bruner, 1960). However, the quality of scientific knowledge that...

Words: 1737 Pages: 6

The Problem of the State of the Education System

Nowadays, the state of educational system is a very important issue which makes a great number of people think about the efficiency of this very sphere. Moreover, great sums of money are given to the development of this very system. However, there are also some other sources which could also...

Words: 619 Pages: 2

Graduation Rates at the U.S. Colleges and Universities

Peer-reviewed Sources Guri, Patricia, Eric Den, Sylivia Hurtado, and Gerald Gurin. “Diversity and Higher Education: Theory and Impact on Educational Outcomes.” Harvard Education Review 72.3 (2002): 330-369. Print. Summary The article examines the academic benefits of diversity of the student body. Guri, Den, Hurtado, and Gurin explore how diversity enriches...

Words: 4375 Pages: 15

Interrelation Between Health and Education

Interrelation between health and education has been studied for a long time in many countries, using many different methods and measures. It is undeniable fact, that there is a strong relationship between them. The purpose of this article is to reveal the relevance of this research area and update it....

Words: 567 Pages: 2

Distance Education: Term Definition

Many spheres of the contemporary life in our world are under a massive influence of globalization. The appearance of the Internet connection has made many things and processes easy to access and improved the speed of life greatly. Today we do not need to go to a bank to pay...

Words: 1668 Pages: 6

Quality Early Childhood Education Program

What to Look for in a Quality Early Childhood Education Program Health and Safety Health and safety of the facilities involved in work with children is a crucial factor for their success. The facilities are to be appropriately licensed and to follow all the norms of hygiene and sanitation practices...

Words: 584 Pages: 3

Why People Cheat about Their Credentials

Introduction Lying about one’s credentials is indeed a violation of societal norms and contradicts principles of integrity. This means that such actions are not justifiable. Instead, it is actually necessary to offer a valid explanation of why the phenomenon occurs. This issue is highly context-specific and actually occurs as a...

Words: 3440 Pages: 10

Failing District of Columbia Public Schools

Introduction Founded in 1885, the “District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS)” is the indigenous school system of Washington D.C. The schools have operated for extended periods. The DCPS manages and governs the majority of schools across the city (DCPS, n.d). There is the categorization of these schools into different study...

Words: 813 Pages: 3

Lending Students a Helping Hand

Since the No Child Left Behind Act has been adopted recently, the change in the education system to adjust it to the needs of the disadvantaged children has been the concern for teachers and students. Despite the obvious humanity and usefulness of the Act and the following oral reading accommodations,...

Words: 1187 Pages: 4

The Results of the Implementation of the Affirmative Action in Institutions

Introduction When dealing with academic issues it points out to the academic experts to apply a lot of professional, social, and individual judgment. They ought to uphold and understand the moral dilemmas in the situations they are addressing and also learn their responsibility to the situation. Most of the education...

Words: 1764 Pages: 6

“Let’s Not Cheat Our Students” by Mark Kingwell

The article, ‘let’s not cheat our students’ by Mark Kingwell stresses the significance of eliminating the use of FD grades as a way of assigning failure as a result of cheating. Academic dishonesty is exhibited in various forms such as data fabrication, deception, corruption, academic sabotage, impersonification, cheating, and plagiarism...

Words: 567 Pages: 2

Education and Career Development: Hispanic Women in Education

Abstract Depth The Depth component presents the annotated bibliography research studies from scholarly journals that relate to educational attainment and career choices of Hispanic women. A summary of the research method and critical assessment of the strengths, weaknesses, and contributions to the research issues discussed in each article is provided....

Words: 9179 Pages: 33

Qualitative Research Analysis. Introduction to Coding

Introduction This research study paper has been clearly written and the authors are explicit in their methodology. The issue is that the homeless are denied proper health care access. The study has investigated the issue in San Diego, California and come up with some positive findings which others could use...

Words: 1639 Pages: 5

Sound Education: The Effective Study Skills

Educators, researchers, and policy makers have, for a long time now, struggled with the notion of developing an all-inclusive package of what constitutes good education. In all their endeavours, no single person has ever thought that one single ingredient or variable is enough to warrant sound education. On the contrary,...

Words: 584 Pages: 2

“A School in a Garden” Article by Mitchell L. Stevens

The topic for this week is education, and one of the articles, “A School in a Garden,” deals directly with the theme. The article explores the issues of social stratification which are enforced by the institute of higher education and how the patterns of admission to elite colleges change the...

Words: 387 Pages: 1

Aboriginal Education Reflection

Native populations encounter diverse obstacles that make it hard for them to record desirable social mobilities. The case of the Aboriginal people of Canada explains why unbalanced treatment can worsen the experiences of underprivileged citizens. This personal reflection explains why the introduction of a better education system, a healing and...

Words: 575 Pages: 2

Impact of Rising Cyberbullying on High School Performance

The advent of technology has changed the way high school students bully each other. Cyberbullying results from the misuse of information and communication technology (ICT) which includes instant messaging, mobile phones, chat rooms, email messages, social networking sites, and blogs. Studies indicate that cyberbullying affects its victims negatively and the...

Words: 805 Pages: 3

Teacher Diversity in the Education System

Introduction Teacher diversity is one of the critical subjects in the education system, which needs to be addressed and thoroughly integrated to ensure the overall outcome improvements. In the case of my education, the lack of educator diversity had a major impact on my own life and created “blind spots,”...

Words: 560 Pages: 2

The Equality Concept in Education

Introduction The equality concept in education can be influenced negatively or positively according to the gender, race, and social class of the society’s individuals. How these three factors interact with the education system is discussed in this paper. In one of the approaches to this subject, the concept of ‘race’/ethnicity...

Words: 3080 Pages: 11

Informed Decision-Making in Education: Data Literacy

The effectiveness of instructional decisions depends on the quality of the sources of data related to students’ academic success and unique struggles. In some situations, such as the start of a new school year, finding such sources can be challenging, and the results of the previously conducted standardized tests and...

Words: 882 Pages: 3

Creating a Program to Improve Communications Between School and Community

Problem Statement Nowadays, communication processes between local school districts and the community are not of good quality, and there is a considerable division that exists between educational leaders and community residents. There are many misconceptions with parents when the time to understand the current curriculum comes, but the community is...

Words: 1990 Pages: 6

Legal and Ethical Issues in Modern Education System

Being the essential institute of children’s socialization, schools must be the space for clear rules and responsible adults; however, some problems are not yet solved. Based on the Code of Ethics for educators in Florida (2013) and the New York State Code, there seems to be a reasonable number of...

Words: 406 Pages: 1

The Effects of Teach for America on Students

Schools in low-income communities experience teaching inequalities mainly due to a lack of quality teaching staff. Teach for America teachers are an avenue that has been utilized to supplement this need. However, questions have been raised on how TFA teachers affect the performance of students, prompting this study to be...

Words: 1081 Pages: 3

Homeschooling and Its Impact on Learners

Homeschooling has become popular in the 21st century with parents increasingly acknowledging the benefits associated with this system as opposed to schooling in public learning institutions. The important decision of whether children are to be sent to public schools or homeschooled should be made using data from reputable research findings....

Words: 1492 Pages: 5

Free Speech Application in an Academic Setting

Introduction It is sad to say that many students and teachers abuse their right to free speech using it to offend, discriminate or hurt others. In addition, they may spread false things about other individuals or groups. However, such use of one’s right to freedom of speech contradicts basic notions...

Words: 606 Pages: 2

Disciplinary Strategies: Fighting Biases With Care

Proper classroom behavior is vital for students, and it is my duty as a teacher to establish it through relevant strategies. Firstly, maintaining discipline is more manageable when the authoritative figure acts appropriately. I have to keep my emotions under control, expressing only positive ones. Secondly, each student should have...

Words: 397 Pages: 1

City Academies in Inner Cities and Its Effect

Introduction The quality not the quantity of education that one receives from childhood until they graduate from college and other institutions of higher learning is what determines the type of job they will hold in the society. The difference in terms of political, social, and economical status of different persons...

Words: 2689 Pages: 10

Importance of Literacy in Human Life

Introduction It is difficult to imagine how the world, as people know it now, would function without people’s skills in writing and reading. All the technologies, scientific inventions, and discoveries, and research and social-philosophical advancement would never be possible if people could not use linguistic means to exchange ideas, thoughts,...

Words: 1244 Pages: 4

The Florida Consent Decree: Purpose and Mission

The Florida Consent Decree aims to protect the English Language Learners (ELL)’s civil rights and provide them an equal opportunity for accessing an education. This is done by ensuring the proper delivery of an inclusive instruction to which these students are entitled. Moreover, the Decree upholds many federal and state...

Words: 586 Pages: 2

Achievement Gap and Its Impact

Achievement Gap An achievement gap is a difference between the average scores of the best and poor-performing students in subjects (The National Center for Education Statistics: State Comparisons, 2013). This study evaluates recent trends in achievement gaps using the national school lunch eligibility. This study also reviews achievement gaps at...

Words: 786 Pages: 3

Mentoring as an Effective Model of Student Adaptation

Mentoring or coaching plays a critical role in the daily, educational, and professional fields of work. This process includes giving advice and recommendations through which a person receives practical information on the implementation of a particular action. However, it is a regular activity aimed at acquiring a specific skill in...

Words: 847 Pages: 3

Childcare Facilities Analysis

Initially, I conceived of maintaining a safe environment for children as a set of regulations that should be followed to eliminate any danger to kids. They should be under supervision, engaged, and prevented from risk to their health. All childcare facilities should adhere to safety measures and have the stuff...

Words: 489 Pages: 2

Higher Education Publications

Introduction Higher education publications have over the years played a major role in fostering intellectuality through providing a forum for bridging ideas and views held by players in various fields of academics. Besides providing a forum where special issues of interests in academics are discussed, higher education publications also help...

Words: 1772 Pages: 6

Governmental Funding for Tuition-Free Learning

Have you also attempted to spend your time at home in a fruitful way? In the coronavirus and quarantine age, influencers worldwide speak about the importance of acquiring hard and soft skills. This trend comes from the belief that this time is an excellent opportunity to develop and increase qualifications...

Words: 560 Pages: 2

Affirmative Action In The Elite University

Respect for diversity in every social sector is highly valued in the United States, and educational institutions implement practices to support it among the students. One of the tools to assist the minority representatives in getting the equal opportunity to get a university degree is affirmative action – the approach...

Words: 948 Pages: 3

Let’s Really Reform Our Schools: The Article by Anita Garland

Factors contributing to the deterioration of the quality of American education are discussed in the article Let’s Really Reform Our Schools by Anita Garland. The author argues that the situation with high school education in America is in a disastrous state. Good schools focus not on education but on maintaining...

Words: 552 Pages: 2

Does Stress Affect Students’ Academic Performance?

The role that stress plays in learners’ performance is often underrated, yet it is likely to influence the management of tasks to a significant extent. The emotional distress that students are likely to experience when taking tests may aggravate their results and even lead to a failure. The impact of...

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“Moving Beyond Access” by the Pell Institute

The article “Beyond Access” by the Pell institute discusses a significant issue of the 21st century. The main topic that the authors focus on is what struggles are faced by low-income, first-generation students in achieving progress in education. Moreover, the article also contains several strategies that can help these students...

Words: 323 Pages: 1

Educational Inequality in Australia

Education is a critical element of society, serving as a foundation for knowledge, development, and opportunities for the population. Education is single-handedly the key to a healthy stable society where individuals have the potential to succeed while having the knowledge to be good citizens. Despite being one of the most...

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The Role of Education Overview

The role of education is a subject of intensive debates in the literature and media: while some people believe that education should lead to knowledge accumulation, others argue that it is more important to apply knowledge in practice. According to Orr (1992), “education is no guarantee of decency, prudence, or...

Words: 283 Pages: 1

Literacy Skills Assessment. Instructional Planning

In order to help students to reach their academic goals, the teacher uses a personalized approach to address the specific needs of every learner. This personalization is also necessary when working with small groups. This paper includes a discussion of some instructional ideas for two students (Level B, Cases 1...

Words: 836 Pages: 3

Policies to Reduce Cost for Students

Introduction Tuition fees and living expenses prevent a significant number of students from attending or completing their college education. Consequently, some families will remain trapped in the cycle of poverty, and this is because the kind of education which might have enabled their children to earn a decent living is...

Words: 1225 Pages: 4

Should Community College Be Free?

Acquiring a higher education is rapidly becoming a necessity in the modern age. With the progression of technology, requirements for workers and professionals are becoming higher, raising the incentive of the graduates to study further. Many jobs today require specific physical and mental skills, that can often be acquired only...

Words: 267 Pages: 1

Financial Aid for First-Generation Students and Their Families Needs

Summary Paying for the high tuition fees for undergraduate and, moreover, postgraduate studies is becoming increasingly difficult for families of students, especially of the first generation. It is young people who are former in their family to enter a university. According to the Institute for National Postsecondary Education Policy, 50...

Words: 891 Pages: 3

School Admittance: Let’s Really Reform Our Schools

In her essay “Let’s Really Reform Our Schools”, Garland raises the issue of the quality of education in the United States. She believes that US high schools were experiencing a period of the disaster at the beginning of this century. Her primary complaint revolved around the attitude of both teachers...

Words: 568 Pages: 2

Annotation: “Who Will Graduate?”

Who Will Graduate? is the article by Gary Sweeten for Justice Quarterly, where the issues of first-time arrest and court appearance, their effects on education and graduation, and participation of youth in numerous court trials are concerned. The peculiar feature of this article is author’s attention to past research and...

Words: 557 Pages: 2

Portrait of a Teacher: The Role and Importance

In modern society, the role of a teacher is undergoing substantial changes. Instead of being an authoritative figure, a modern teacher strives to become a role model, an inspiration, and a coach to students, developing their global competence and preparing them to face life challenges. The purpose of this paper...

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Wearing Weapons to Reduce Trauma

The article “I’m a school psychologist – and I think teachers should be armed,” written by Michael W. Goldberg in 2018, presents his views on school shootings. As a professional psychologist, he claims that bearing arms by school teachers is a reasonable measure intended to instill a sense of security...

Words: 322 Pages: 1

Growth of Credits for Studies: Article Summary

Article Summary The student loans are becoming a concerning issue for U.S. education, as more and more people enter colleges and universities. At the same time, they graduate with enormous loans to repay in the future. What is more, the younger generation has limited opportunities to avoid student loans, as...

Words: 517 Pages: 1

Shortage of Officials at the High School Sports Level

Introduction Working as an official in a high school is a position that requires people to have a relatively wide range of skills and knowledge, as well as a particular mentality and interest in sports. People who fit these criteria are sometimes hard to find. This leads to a shortage...

Words: 1208 Pages: 4

Student Debt: Impact of Student Loans on the Post-college Life of the Graduates

Abstract Millions of college students graduate from institutions with thousands of dollars in student debt. It is a major issue that applies to higher education facilities of all levels: from community colleges to the most prestigious universities and raises concerns among students and their parents. Most of the alumnus are...

Words: 2883 Pages: 10

The County’s Format for Student Expulsion Hearings

Expulsion from school is an extreme punitive measure conducted by the governing board of a school district as a response to a particular student’s violation of the school’s rules and policies. However, a just hearing must occur where the school needs to prove that a student is eligible for expulsion....

Words: 631 Pages: 2

Perspectives on Psychological Influence in Education

The key problem of the readings of this week is that psychology and research in the field of education do not properly reflect the needs and specifics of teaching and learning in schools. Dewey (1900) states that psychology is expected to form the basis for teaching children and adolescents, paying...

Words: 554 Pages: 2

The Process of Children’s Education: Parents’ Participation

Introduction Attention Getter Each of us, when we were kids, turned to our parents and grandparents to help us with our homework. In some families, their children are tested every evening, while others do not pay much attention to this. Nevertheless, according to statistics, about 70% of parents do homework...

Words: 615 Pages: 1

“50 Myths and Lies That Threaten America’s Public Schools” by Berliner

The given section of the book primarily focuses on the overall ineffectiveness and implausibility of retaining children in grades in order to facilitate their learning process. Approximately 10% of all school students in the United States are “flunked” each year, which is equal to 450000 children (Berliner & Glass, 2014)....

Words: 282 Pages: 1

Should Distance Learning Replace Traditional Education

Introduction With the outbreak of COVID-19, many schools and colleges closed their doors and changed the way of educating students to distance learning. It was done according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) to protect both students and teachers from the coronavirus that showed its high contagiousness...

Words: 850 Pages: 3

Standardized Testing: Research Proposal

Introduction The sphere of education has to continuously evolve to correspond with the knowledge necessary for the growing populations. However, many problems continue to persist, leading to negative experiences and long-term consequences for children, teachers, and whole schools. Standardized testing is among these issues – it is one of the...

Words: 1442 Pages: 5

Students’ Dropout in Community Colleges in America

Introduction The main aim is to answer the research questions and test the hypothesis using the data that has been collected. Literature found out that a significant number of students drop out of college before they achieve their academic goals. The investigation done is skewed to the faculty’s point of...

Words: 1491 Pages: 4

The Importance of Arts in the School Curriculum

Introduction The purpose of the school education is not merely endowing a person with knowledge and a set of skills that one can put to pragmatic use in further life. Apart from that – undoubtedly necessary – component, the ultimate goal of educating schoolchildren is helping their development as persons...

Words: 3634 Pages: 13

Plagiarism in Academic Institutions

Growth in technology has attracted both positive and negative effects on the efficiency of knowledge delivery among students across the world. While in the olden days a student had to do through research, through library books to develop an essay, today’s world has made it possible for students to access...

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Research and Practice Methods in Education

Education serves as the foundation of modern society, and its quality directly improves the living standards of civilization. The use of evidence in practice and research is essential for raising the effectiveness of education. Over the decades, a variety of methods and approaches was developed to improve the accountability and...

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Tablets Instead of Textbooks

The paper textbooks should not be substituted with tablets and laptops because it hearts eyesight and students productivity during the classes. Counterargument paragraph Some people believe that this view on the application of modern technologies in education is flawed. They claim that the active implementation of digital technologies in education...

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Creativity: Creative Thinking in Google

Creativity is a valuable facet for all individuals and organizations since it makes them become informed of ingenious thoughts and generate innovations. Although it is fundamental in all business aspects, creativity enhances marketing management. Organizations that have inadequate creative personnel miss opportunities for advancement (Henriksen et al. 29). Irrespective of...

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Lack of Education: Situation Analysis

The state of the educational system in the modern world is extremely contradictory. At one level, education became one of the most influential spheres in people’s lives, and the number of people who received education is much bigger than in earlier history of humanity. Scientific achievements have become the starting...

Words: 1774 Pages: 6

The Class, Social Strata, and Social Mobility That Affect Students Education

Introduction This portfolio aims to review different problems connected to the class, social strata, and social mobility that affect students’ education using the examples of diverse groups of people. The argument considered in this portfolio is that both social biases and marginalized policies support the existing issues with access to...

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The Problems English Teachers Face in Riyadh Schools

Significance of Research Topics of lack of time for teachers of English and a low level of awareness among parents are of great importance, both locally and internationally. First of all, it is worth noting that a similar structural problem of the educational system is relevant not only for Saudi...

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Disadvantages in Education in Lower-Income Communities

Introduction The main idea of public education is to provide all children, regardless of their race, income, or other factors with equal opportunities to study and develop their skills. In her article, Semuels underlines that schooling in America is the responsibility of the states, and the government has to investigate...

Words: 891 Pages: 3

Inequity in the US Education System

Overview Individuals that go through preschool education are more prepared for primary and secondary school and are more successful in their studies and have more opportunities to get a college diploma than their counterparts. Young people that graduate from college or university have higher incomes than their peers without diplomas....

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Sexual Education in the U.S.

School education must meet many standards, but its primary goal is to provide children with maximum information about the surrounding world. The knowledge gained at school serves as the basis for building a healthy life. It is impossible to continue studying or make a successful career without knowing, for example,...

Words: 825 Pages: 3

Problems in Education: The High Cost and Student Loan Debt

Introduction Higher education in the United States is becoming more expensive than the national average cost for goods and services. Salaries at jobs available to university graduates are relatively not as high as before, and the amount of loans available to students does not cover the full cost of many...

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Peer Pressure Impact on Academic Achievement

Peer pressure is defined as the influence that peers exert over a person, often to change the said person’s beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. The overarching goal is to make one conform with the group and comply with its rules. The influence does not have to be direct, as unspoken or...

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A Free College Education

The question of college tuition is a controversial issue that often lies at the foundation of politicians’ core promises. However, colleges remain expensive and inaccessible for many people in the United States. At the same time, other countries have many opportunities for tuition-free higher education while accommodating both local and...

Words: 519 Pages: 2

Due Process and Education

Due Process In an attempt to deal with poor adherence to classroom rules, teachers in primary and elementary schools often use after-school detentions to implement relatively mild but effective punishments. Considering the concepts of due process and students’ rights, the practice of making misbehaving students spend extra time in school...

Words: 908 Pages: 3

Whiteness and Colorblind Society

School years are the most vulnerable time regarding personality formation for most children. However, not only psychological considerations complicate this process since the impact of society is dominant in this case (Shyman, 2018). The latter is represented by specific theories referred to as the system of whiteness and a colorblind...

Words: 662 Pages: 2

Bullying in School: Understanding and Dealing With It

The Ways Teachers Can Reduce and Prevent Bullying The class textbook lists several ways that teachers can utilize to address bullying in school. They include: Talking with the Victim of Bullying The teacher should ask the bullied child to suggest ways he or she thinks the situation may be changed...

Words: 977 Pages: 3

Going Back to School during COVID-19 Outbreak

Introduction It is safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed all groups of the modern global society. Many communities are now experiencing economic, social, and infrastructural difficulties. Even though the epidemic’s peak has passed, people continue to debate whether it is worth it now to return to...

Words: 837 Pages: 3

Are Private Schools a Better Alternative?

Abstract Education is a universal human right, and each individual should have free access to it under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This allows addressing many societal issues, including poverty and gender gap, as well as raise well-rounded individuals. In the United States, similarly to other countries, one can...

Words: 582 Pages: 2

Effects of Service Interruption on ADA Students with Learning Disabilities

People living with disabilities are often the focus of attention because of their conditions, with the government and various non-governmental institutions offering special provisions to accommodate them. Bryant et al. (2019) assert that the US has been on the frontline in creating ample social spaces for people with disabilities, especially...

Words: 1410 Pages: 5

Online Learning Impact on Students From Low-Income Backgrounds

Introduction Online learning has gained prominence in contemporary times, especially during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, which has led to the closure of traditional face-to-face learning in a classroom setup. Educators and policymakers have shifted focus to distance learning as a way of content and instruction delivery to ensure that students...

Words: 1430 Pages: 5

Policy Analysis for Education Issues

Policy analysis should be viewed as a process of determining certain policy options that are developed to address a specific problem. The analysis is based on the comparison of offered policy options according to a range of criteria with the aim of selecting the most effective and feasible one to...

Words: 4151 Pages: 20

Speech and Language Disorders of American Children

According to estimations, learning disorders affect one of every ten people in the United States. These conditions are proved to be a result of genetic or neurobiological problems which lead to malfunctioning of a part of the brain, thus, affecting a certain cognitive process. These disorders may interfere with learning...

Words: 951 Pages: 3

Elementary School Departmentalization

According to the recent estimations, the current performance of the US school students in the science classes remains low. The poor knowledge raise the issue of the educational system reform. It is suggested by many scholars that the shift of the elementary schools’ self-contained model to departmentalization would improve the...

Words: 608 Pages: 2

Higher Education Under the Influence of Neoliberalism

Are modern American universities contributing to the public good or private prosperity? Higher education in the United States has undergone a significant shift during the past several decades. The institutions that once served the general public now seem to be more focused on accumulating profit and view universities as business...

Words: 1114 Pages: 4

Possession and Usage of Cellphones by Students During the School

People in modern society manage their communications through the most compact, convenient, and fast means available — cellular and satellite data transfer. Cellphones became an integral part of human lives in the past twenty years. Mendoza et al. (2018) state that “three-quarters of Americans use the internet on the cellphone...

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