Benefits of Education Essay Examples for Free - Page 2

Benefits of Education Essay Examples for Free

Traditional or Online Education: What Is Better?

Since education is valuable for people, some of the most effective learning strategies were developed over a long-time span, giving rise to traditional education. However, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the learning environment has drastically changed, and online delivery of education has become more in demand....

Words: 1109 Pages: 4

The Assembling Models Which Vital in the Growth of Students’ Progress

Introduction The approach of assembling models, concepts, ideas, and techniques that are thought vital in the growth and competence of students’ progress is being reinvented by contemporary school facilities throughout the country. Schools are entrusted with the challenges of devising innovative approaches to dealing with educational issues that affect the...

Words: 1539 Pages: 6

Grades: The Role in Educational Process

The curriculum often defines a good student as the one with the best grade point average. This is marginally correct; however, grades should not be used to define good pupils (Blazar, 2017). A poor student can achieve the highest marks; hence grades should not be used as the primary measure...

Words: 352 Pages: 1

Absolute and Relative Grading: Advantages and Disadvantages

Absolute Grading Absolute grading is helpful because it encourages hard work among students. Grades are given using predetermined cut-off levels, which, if not hit, the particular grade is not awarded (Conway, 2020). Students, therefore, have to work hard to realize their target grades. The grading system gives teachers an easy...

Words: 382 Pages: 1

Educational Journey in Personal Experience

Introduction The education journey is affected and determined by various metrics and factors that shape the way a learner grows in terms of cognitive capacity that applies to social, political, and economic perspectives. A person must undergo a thorough training directly or indirectly while in school. That can be credited...

Words: 1679 Pages: 6

Discussion: Assessment Instructional Plan

Assessments The motivation assessment is an excellent method of determining a student’s motivation and identifying their interests and preferences, going beyond reading. The initial stages of the survey help to paint the child’s general interests, and then transition into reading-related questions. This information can be helpful for teachers, as it...

Words: 927 Pages: 3

TCI Program’s Diversity and Intersectionality

TCI’s commitment to cultural diversity, fairness, and inclusiveness celebrates and affirms all people’s beauty, dignity, and integrity and believes that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness throughout their lives. Intending to support equal kindness and compassion for all people, TCI creates various connections with many different communities (Curriculum Resources,...

Words: 302 Pages: 1

Humanities and Their Importance

Education plays a critical role in the life of any person. Today, it can be viewed as the central requirement of an individual to get a well-paid job and build a successful career. It partially explains the high tuition cost and its constant growth every year. The increasing demand for...

Words: 546 Pages: 2

Art and Innovation in Education

Over the years, art and innovation have been on the rise. With this in mind, it has brought about the need to understand and comprehend how this applies in the field of education, with the expanding usage of educational technology tools in the classroom. This classroom study aimed to see...

Words: 813 Pages: 3

Interview: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle-Late Childhood

Introduction For this activity, I chose to interview a teacher who was teaching children aged between 13 and 18 years of age. The respondent was a professional aged 41 years of age from my community. In the selected school environment, I was in a position to observe a number of...

Words: 1635 Pages: 6

Components of Resilient Classrooms

Resilience is an essential aspect of studying in classrooms as it improves students’ performance and promotes effective learning. There are six components of resilient classrooms divided into two strands: self-agency and relationship (Woolfolk, 2018). The first strand includes academic self-efficacy, behavioral self-control, and academic self-determination components. According to Woolfolk (2018),...

Words: 372 Pages: 1

Strategic Agenda for Cooperation on Higher Education

There is no doubt that higher education has undergone a massive change in the last few years that has not happened to it in the previous few decades. The process of globalization and the informatization of society have been greatly accelerated by the pandemic that has begun. Together, these factors...

Words: 565 Pages: 2

Freedom of Speech in Universities

Introduction The issue of censorship and freedom of speech is becoming very relevant for young people studying in universities. The new generation, the so-called Generation Z, the Zoomers, has been heavily influenced by social media. Social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) have formed a new communication model in their habits and...

Words: 1400 Pages: 5

Role of Adults and Educators in the Education Process

Greeting plays one of the leading roles in building relationships with the public and establishing engagement. Bev Boss saying that she is glad that people came to her performance shows her predisposition to the audience and the desire to be helpful. There may be a respectful attitude or asking of...

Words: 296 Pages: 1

Information Literacy Among Local College Students

The idea of article “Analysis of the Group Differences of Information Literacy among Local College Students” is a scientific article from a peer-reviewed periodical. The idea of the article lies in the fact that children tend to have different information literacy levels and that education should be focused on these...

Words: 663 Pages: 2

Physical Education and Teachers Evaluation

Abstract The article aims to evaluate the efficiency of schools’ administrations and provide teachers with the needed training to increase the general level of physical education. Norris et al. (2017) have used two main methods to make the article reliable and correct. Surveys and interviews have allowed researchers to ensure...

Words: 934 Pages: 3

Mutual Storytelling in the Baby’s Edcuation

Introduction Communicating with your child is an essential aspect of learning. From a very early age, children try to copy the behavior of adults, as they think they are the only correct ones and should always behave in this way. In addition to their movements, they also copy the remarks...

Words: 857 Pages: 3

The Benefits of Reading Fiction

Reading fiction, like novels or short stories, is a pleasant and helpful hobby. Each new book changes people, expanding worldviews and helping them to be more open to new opinions. Exploring the new story captivates, allowing readers to immerse themselves in an extraordinary new world and distract from adversity. Moreover,...

Words: 551 Pages: 2

Nature of Education and Its Purpose

Introduction Knowledge is one of the most important aspects of any civilized society. Since ancient times, people have been collecting information about things surrounding them. It helped to cognize the world, find solutions to the most important problems, and create the basis for future progress and successors’ survival. However, the...

Words: 1543 Pages: 6

Common Core Standards in Education

The main Common Core standard that the Planning an Interactive Readaloud project should address is the Strand B standard. This standard requires the educator to create an environment where each student has a sense of belonging (MED, 2013). It is the responsibility of an educator to create an environment where...

Words: 282 Pages: 1

Creation of an Inclusive Multicultural Classroom

Introduction Multicultural classroom education is currently regarded as the most efficient method of teaching and learning while incorporating learner differences, beliefs, and practices. It includes proper use of techniques, active participation, and appropriate response in promoting multicultural competence among the learners. Celik, (2019) identifies key ideas for creating a multicultural...

Words: 1504 Pages: 5

Instructional Rubrics: Advantages and Disadvantages

Instructional rubrics are a common means of evaluating students’ works. It has proven itself among all participants in the learning process. The rubric is a table containing the essential criteria for assessing work and a description of the qualitative characteristics required for a particular grade. This way of grading allows...

Words: 318 Pages: 1

Co-Construction and Gender-Related Issues at School

Co-Construction The teaching principle of co-construction is based on the premise that knowledge gains clarity through negotiated analysis rather than listening and observation alone. One of the most prominent centers of co-construction in childhood education is located in Reggio Emilia, Italy, where teachers seek to uncover children’s beliefs on the...

Words: 1112 Pages: 4

Online Learning After Covid-19 Pandemic

Summary With the evolution of education, it is nearly impossible to eliminate technology use. The Covid-19 pandemic led to the wide adoption of e-learning. Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex, Go to Meeting, Google Meet, Zoom, and Adobe Connect were commonly used online delivery systems. I would choose Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Team...

Words: 1152 Pages: 11

Business in Japanese and Russian Cultures

Introduction Business communication is a vital part of human life. Observance of ethical norms in entrepreneurial communication is recognized as essential in terms of business people’s responsibility to society and themselves, necessary for the efficiency of production. Various values of national cultures cause peculiarities in doing business with partners from...

Words: 1320 Pages: 5

Positive Behaviour Support Framework in Preschool

Introduction The School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework promotes acceptable behavior expectations for children in schools to facilitate a safe, positive, and supportive learning culture. It teaches children acceptable behavior and provides enough support to improve academic, emotional, and behavioral needs (Shepherd & Linn, 2015). Additionally, it creates respectful relations...

Words: 1512 Pages: 5

Importance of College Experience for Future

College education provides essential applied knowledge with an emphasis on practice. Although at such an early age entering college, in my opinion, many still cannot decide whether they are ready for the choice of their life’s work, there is a specific unique and suitable experience that college can provide. Knowledge...

Words: 277 Pages: 1

School Facilities in Educational Psychology

Introduction Socio-historical characteristics in educational institutions are an integral part of the maturation of any unit of society. Educational psychologists are interested in the role of school facilities since the daily interactions between school users and their buildings directly impact education and learning (Durán-Narucki, 2011). The visual aspect of the...

Words: 337 Pages: 1

Career Research Paper: Psychology

Introduction Based on the information provided on the website concerning careers, I will undertake psychology. I want to pursue this career because of its responsibilities. My work will entail dealing with various clinical, research, and legality settings. In addition, it will help me understand human mental processes and behavior, which...

Words: 1753 Pages: 6

Video Games and Their Impact on Students’ Motivation

Introduction There have been numerous attempts to introduce innovative learning techniques recently. Scholars have provided different perspectives on the benefits of video games in the sphere. I firmly believe that there are multiple potential benefits that can vary significantly depending on the content, as the video game format is simply...

Words: 591 Pages: 1

Group Dynamics in Educational Settings

Abstract Although people can thrive independently, few of them choose to be alone. The majority of individuals prefer to grow and thrive as part of a team in various settings, such as schools and religious activities. In higher education institutions, group dynamics are efficient since they enhance interactive learning. An...

Words: 1371 Pages: 5

Homeschooling as an Approach to Educate Children

Introduction Educating children at home has become a more spread practice due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Some families that tried with their young members a new way of learning consider not bringing them back to school. They provide persuading arguments that children stay more focused on the process of...

Words: 845 Pages: 3

Interlanguage and Treatment of Errors

Error correction has risen to prominence as a key teaching tool in foreign language learning. However, few teachers thoroughly understand error analysis and related concepts. Due to teachers’ generally negative perception of mistakes, the probability of various inaccuracies improving is low. As a result, even in cases of high-quality work...

Words: 1361 Pages: 5

Educational Leadership and Instruction Differentiation

The educational leadership field of study is a critical area in all learning institutions. All learning institutions require top-quality and well-trained leaders who can make the learning institution successful in its functioning. Examples of leadership positions in learning institutions include headteachers, principals, and university and college deans (Arnold, 2018). Female...

Words: 291 Pages: 1

Me and Others: Observation of Preschool Children

The video shows an experiment on suggestibility performed with preschool children (5 years old). Experiments conducted with children have clearly shown how important it is for every child to be like everyone else. In the video, the actions of five-year-olds in the experiment “Sweet salty porridge” are shown (Passengers, 2018)....

Words: 297 Pages: 1

Distance Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages

My research paper aims to thoroughly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning compared to traditional in-person classes and discuss which format is most likely to prevail. One of the most significant debates among researchers and the public today is whether distance learning is the future of education. I...

Words: 891 Pages: 3

Children’s Skills Development and Education

Self-Care The video begins with one child struggling to pick some snacks using a tong. He struggles, and eventually, when he manages to pick some snacks, he smiles and shares the rest of the snacks in the bowl with his colleagues (“Clip #1062,” 2016). After some struggle, the child then...

Words: 600 Pages: 2

“Improving Cornell Notes…” Video by Doug Neill

The process of note-taking allows not only storing essential data but also organizing acquired information and memorizing it faster. In addition to the traditional note-taking approach that fixates on the arrangement of textual data, the sketchnoting approach can be suggested to improve memorization. In his video “Improving Cornell Notes with...

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Instructional Designing in Education

Instructional designing creates or enhances knowledge and skills through training using a particular set of programs and learning materials. The designing processes ensure the applicability of acquired skills by identifying the subject group’s needs to formulate an effective design model that gives positive feedback. The instructional design approach was a...

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Role of Critical Thinking in Education

Critical thinking (CT) is a self-adjusting, deliberate judgment that leads to interpretation, analysis, evaluation, conclusions, and explanations of the reasons for the decision. The ideal critical thinker is naturally curious, well-informed, credible, open-minded, flexible, judgmental, and forthright about personal bias (Cottrell, 2017). To make decisions, one has to reflect, clarify...

Words: 281 Pages: 1

The Concept of Dividing Statements

The concept of dividing statements into two specialized categories is something I would like to discuss. A descriptive statement describes the situation of the world without indicating whether it is good or bad (Werhane, 2019). A normative statement expresses an assessment, stating whether something is good, terrible, better, or worse...

Words: 292 Pages: 1

Quality Physical Education and Obesity in US Children

For the public and often the students themselves, physical education (PE) in schools is rarely taken seriously, viewed as a largely a ‘filler’ subject to meet government requirements. However, in the context of the modern world, where children rarely play outside, few engage in any type of sport, and there...

Words: 560 Pages: 2

Differentiated Classroom as Educational Trend

Introduction The paradigm of education has always been driven by the change in the perception of knowledge. Thus, previously, the idea of school education was closely related to the concept of unification and heterogeneity for the sake of equality in the classroom. However, while children at a certain age are...

Words: 1649 Pages: 6

SafeAssign and Academic Writing Process

Introduction Modern technologies provide students and writers with opportunities to optimize their papers. As for academic writings, SafeAssign offers advanced antiplagiarism analysis, which helps scholars to avoid issues with plagiarism or improper citing. In the digital world, the amount of information, which can be found online, is very impressive, and...

Words: 506 Pages: 2

Education and Online Learning: Pros and Cons

Introduction Rapid changes in the technology industry have streamlined online learning, an educational approach that allows instructors to disseminate knowledge to learners through the internet and, in real time, using devices like computers and mobile phones. This approach enhances active interaction between students and instructors, and feedback is given instantly....

Words: 840 Pages: 3

Online Operations and Program Management Strategies

Governments and districts are establishing new online schools, and current programs are adding more students and courses, whereby online learning is always evolving. The increase reflects a growing recognition that online programs and courses can meet a wide range of demands and students. Several online schools have been operating for...

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Social-Emotional Skills Program for Preschoolers

A contemporary outlook on education and learning shows that kindergarten actually resembles the newfangled first grade instead of being the preliminary stage. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the notion of academic performance has transformed drastically, causing more kindergarten educators to engage in the teaching process and help children...

Words: 2859 Pages: 10

Effective Visuals in Digital Safety Posters for Young Pupils

Summary The digital environment penetrates all the spheres of humans’ lives, beginning from early childhood. More so, the studying process became almost inseparable from online systems, as many of its benefits are constantly introduced into regular classes. The still ongoing digital revolution has made the provision of new knowledge easier...

Words: 3130 Pages: 11

Social-Emotional Learning and Its Aspects

Emotions play a significant role since, above all, while they matter for performance, they likewise matter for well-being and health, relationships, decision-making, attention, learning, and memory. Brackett and Cipriano’s (2020) research shows that teachers with more developed emotional skills reportedly encounter greater job satisfaction and less burnout and experience more...

Words: 299 Pages: 1

Digital Training of Higher Education Students

Overview The instruction context under review implied the training of higher education students. The purpose of the learning exercises was to master their digital literacy skills that extend beyond the average computer user’s capacity. The group consisted of 12 students, each of whom participated voluntarily and free of charge. The...

Words: 1814 Pages: 6

Remote Working Training and Education

Technology advancements have brought about effectiveness in service delivery within most organizations globally. The adoption of various technologies by most organizations has enabled productive remote working by most employees within a given institution. Remote working is whereby an employee of a given organization can significantly offer their services to their...

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Studying for Freedom: Duncan-Andrade on Critical Thinking and Liberation

Education is not only an important part of a person’s life but also a fundamental part of social life. As such, it should theoretically ensure that people enter adult life not only with sufficient knowledge and skills to succeed in their chosen vocations but also properly acculturated to the norms...

Words: 826 Pages: 3

Music Incorporation into Classes

Music is a highly important part of many people’s lives as it surrounds them daily. Even if one does not like listening to music through headphones on the way to work, they still hear it on the streets, in all shops, from other people’s smartphones. While teenagers and adults can...

Words: 333 Pages: 1

Researching the Concept of Listening

Introduction Listening is an essential factor that facilitates how information is perceived and either compromises or encourages data retention. However, the concept of listening is complex since there are contrasting characteristics between listening and hearing. While hearing is a physical activity in which the eardrums perceive the vibrations facilitated by...

Words: 809 Pages: 3

Child & Adolescent Development: Identity in Crisis

The second chapter focuses on physical development in infancy and toddlerhood. The section primarily covers how an infant’s brain develops over time, leading up to changes in the processes as a toddler. To understand the methodology of the studied concepts, neuroscience is introduced as an essential term. Through neuroscientific discoveries,...

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Stress in Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education is crucial to the child’s mental development, and the movie “No Small Matter” reveals curious insights into the topic. The two essential factors that a child needs the most are social interaction and equal opportunities with substantial attention to their needs (Passion River Production, 2020). In other...

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Psychological Friendship Aspects in Education

Psychological and Educational Aspects of Friendship Friendship is the close interconnection between two or several people, and it influences the psychological state of people. It is connected with experiencing strong positive emotions, increasing the well-being of an individual (Wentzel et al., 2018). In that way, friendship profoundly affects people’s psychological...

Words: 840 Pages: 3

Classroom Strategies for Middle School

The assigned paper illustrates diverse classroom strategies for middle school, some of which can be adapted to students aged four. The first strategy is starting a new school year by presenting a schematically formatted syllabus that outlines grading and late work policies, teacher information, and the required tools (Too Cool...

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Engagement Motivation in Education

The world of academia possesses a wide range of challenges for both professors and their students. One of such challenges has historically been finding an incentive for engaging with the classroom material. The types of engagement motivation discussed in this essay can be divided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Through...

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Overall Experience in Christian Based Institution

Individuals and leaders must commit and be equipped to live and work under high standards of integrity and personal honesty to effect change in society. Transformation at the individual level is the starting point of difference in the community. This transition should resume early, as the adage states that prevention...

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Standards of High-Quality Early Childhood Classroom

The markers and standards of a high-quality early childhood classroom include educational materials, facilities, health practices, and staff professionalism, among others. Additionally, the size and cleanliness of the play and activity space, the amount of staff per kid, and children’s interactions with staff play an essential role (Primary Beginnings, n.d.)....

Words: 324 Pages: 1

Trends in Pre-K Education in North Carolina

There are two distinct trends in regards to pre-K education in the United States. On the one hand, policymakers and various volunteers and organizations aim at the provision of equal opportunities for all the kids regardless of their socio-economic and ethnic background. On the other hand, pre-K is more and...

Words: 398 Pages: 1

Global Education: New Educational Approach

Introduction The aim of the convection includes applying and evaluating many scholarly journals to international education. As mentioned in Part one of the Workshop Project, the requirements represent the need for lesson planning tools, notably for instructors, educators, community members, and children. The pupils will be given a quick grasp...

Words: 2208 Pages: 8

Creating a Joy and Engagement in the Academic Setting

Creating a setting where students are actively engaged and enthusiastic about academic participation represents one of the cornerstones of successful teaching and productive learning. However, in some scenarios, teachers may find the process of cultivating a pedagogical practice that promotes joy, wonder, and curiosity in educators and students alike may...

Words: 561 Pages: 2

College Athletes Should Be Paid

The US Supreme Court once ruled that the only way to preserve the character and quality of college athletics was to never pay the athletes. This was in 1984 when the majority opinion of the court was being read by Justice John Paul Stevens (Smith 1). It appears that the...

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Analysis of Onsite Classes for Colleges

Since the global pandemic, remote learning has become a common practice in schools and higher educational establishments. However, with the less strict regulations nowadays, many colleges once again transition to onsite classes, which naturally raises many debates regarding its reasonability. Overall, I believe that after experiencing the actual benefits of...

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The Main Aspects of Creating a Fair Environment in Classrooms

Cultural bias and behavior are considerable aspects of teaching and creating a motivated and fair environment in classrooms. Glock et al. (2018) state that teachers tend to show negative attitudes toward ethnic minority students, even if they work in culturally diverse environments. However, Fan et al. (2019) found that departments...

Words: 370 Pages: 1

Researching of Benefits of Online Learning

Introduction Learning is a complicated process of acquiring new skills and abilities, depending on the educational setting. All learners resort to different learning strategies: direct and indirect. Each student chooses how they will learn: memorization, cognition, and compensation. The variety of techniques and competence allows a person to learn a...

Words: 1191 Pages: 4

Reading Fluency as Predictor of School Outcomes

Summary Sentence The selected research suggests that reading fluency is the single most important predictor of school marks in all literacy-related subjects for school children. Details The study was conducted among 489 children who were studying at high schools, secondary schools, and primary schools. The evaluation process was based on...

Words: 254 Pages: 1

Design of the Modern Dream Classroom

Introduction Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to students being limited in learning within the traditional method. The countries’ authorities were forced to transfer their students to distance learning from home, using various technical means, such as computers or laptops, the Internet, and computer programs. These programs are designed to...

Words: 555 Pages: 2

Aspects of Education: Goals Types

Initial Goal I want to get an excellent GPA. I want to develop speaking skills. Specific I want to have a GPA of 3.8 by the end of the semester to increase my chances of successful employment. I want to be able to give at least a five-minute speech in...

Words: 621 Pages: 1

Establishing Student Feedback to Improve Teaching Methods

Introduction In most learning institutions, students attend school but fail to achieve their academic expectations due to inadequate teaching and learning practices. Since educational achievement is the foundation to a better future academically and professionally, there is a rising need to address the shortcomings and create a learning environment that...

Words: 1473 Pages: 5

Education System: Building a Class

Summary Students’ backgrounds and cultural experiences are essential in determining future learning strategies. Often many factors stem from childhood and school age, such as parental attitudes toward learning, environment, and socio-psychic type. The factors determine a student’s resilience and suggest their attitude toward external stimuli. The learning process aims to...

Words: 1199 Pages: 4

Identifying Thinking Skills for Instruction in Your Classroom

Identifying key concepts for effective instruction is essential in terms of proper education. The article ” Identifying thinking skills for instruction in your classroom ” aims to define major thinking skills (Burns, 1993). Further, the article’s objective is to distinguish these skill groups’ usage and identify the central students’ needs....

Words: 306 Pages: 1

Educational Psychology: Behaviorism

Concerning educational psychology, the content that I think would be most helpful is behaviorism. The perspective is fundamental in determining some of the significant shifts in behavior in helping one comprehend what others are trying to communicate. In my future career, behaviorism will play an essential role in helping me...

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Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Role in Education

Historically, the components of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) appeared crucial for the prosperity of a society. It equips people with a set of skills that regulate how we think and conduct (McClellan & Dorn, 2006). I have learned that STEM education assists us in addressing the world’s current...

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Reflections on Course Concepts

When thinking about the most applicable concepts that will correlate with the future professional discipline, it was important to determine the concrete society which is involved in the concept due to the fact that people are main components of the scientific researches. Generally, they are based on the need of...

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Aspects of Presentation Technologies

During the school experience, many students access several presentation technologies that enable them to make presentations on whatever task they need. For several instances, in college, for example, Prezi has been a well-known website by many students and teachers for the presentation of knowledge in ways that were interesting to...

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How to Make the Assessment Process Better

Introduction There are numerous initiatives and interventions worldwide that have been established in local communities to enhance the situation. The communities are working together to minimize crime, provide secure and affordable homes for everybody, or support more children in school to accomplish their best, to name just a few examples....

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Educational Games and Simulations

Introduction Simulation is a displaying system that contains instructional fundamentals which allow the learners to interact and understand reality by playing, navigating, and exploring the gaming software to acquire in-depth information. It is essential for content that could not be easily obtained through simple experimentation (Lam et al., 2019). The...

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Classroom Design for Students’ High Academic Achievements

Junior high students must create a supportive academic environment in which the student will achieve high academic achievement and develop their competencies. This strategy can be developed through a set of classroom rules and culture, but most notably for this paper, through classroom design. How furniture and zones are arranged...

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Qualitative Research Methods in Teaching

Qualitative inquiry is instrumental in building an understanding of how students approach and process information, develop essential skills, and gain learning independence. Namely, the inclusion of qualitative research into the study of teaching strategies and issues allows locating major obstacles and developing approaches to be implemented to overcome the said...

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Gateway Technical College: Experience

Introduction The studying process is frequently accompanied by hidden curricula that are adequately organized at Gateway Technical College. Hence, it is better to discuss the knowledge and abilities acquired during the time spent there through the lens of instilled values and principles. These notions are critical for my future success...

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Education Assessment: Focus Student

Introduction Jimmy has been identified with a learning challenge in reading and sentence construction. Jimmy is more interested in reading descriptions of pictures, especially those containing cars, children, and animals. He likes to associate the words he reads with the images representing the discussed concepts. Jimmy can easily read one...

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Rhetorical Strategies in Discussing Education for Civilization

Introduction Education is a critical component; therefore, educating the next generation to be as open-minded and empathetic as possible is vital for building a great community. Everyone should strive to get an education as it has an enormous impact and contributes much to society. Well-educated individuals can better stand out...

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Balancing Studies and Work Benefits High School Students

Working while in high school is considered a rite of passage. Being employed over the summer and for some hours while attending school enables high school scholars to meet their schooling and social life expenses (Carnevale 11). Students can save their earnings for college and assist the family in meeting...

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Student Mentorship and Its Implementation

In the modern world, such an aspect as caring for all people is crucial. One of the effective and efficient ways to perform this action is the provision of various services. For the best performance of this action, a training course for students has been developed, under the name Academic...

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“My Freshman Year” Book by Rebekah Nathan

Introduction The pseudonymous Rebekah Nathan is a cultural anthropologist enrolled as a freshman at her university. The enrollment happened between 2002 and 2003, when she lived in a dorm, ate at the cafeteria, attended classes like regular students, and got busted for taking alcohol. During the freshman period, Rebekah found...

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Teamwork Knowledge for Students

Teamwork is when people collectively work towards achieving a common goal. Good teamwork requires listening and supporting each other and considering everyone’s ideas. Each team member is required to use their unique skills and abilities for the advantage of the whole crew for it to be great. Teamwork and collaboration...

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Family Participation in a Child’s Education

Introduction Children’s academic achievement can be affected by various factors, including individual talents and the degree of parental support. In education, family participation (FP) or parental involvement refers to various ways in which families get involved in school processes and events. Participating in their children’s endeavors at school, families basically...

Words: 3193 Pages: 12

Canada’s Residential School Policies and Genocide

Introduction Ian Mosby (2017) has written his essay “Canada 150 and the Truth about Reconciliation” as an appeal to the audience to start implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (RTC) Calls to Action today. The author argues that although everyone agrees that Canada’s residential school policies were genocidal, a lack...

Words: 720 Pages: 3

Sociological Perspective on Education

My view of education is coherent with the Functionalist sociological perspective. This standpoint might seem outdated since its roots go to the foundation of sociology by Durkheim (Little & McGivern, 2016). Yet, I believe that the ideas and methodology of this scholar are relevant and applicable nowadays, as well as...

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Accommodation vs. Modification in Education

Accommodation, unlike modification, does not fundamentally change or lower the existing standard for students with disabilities. It primarily includes environmental and physical changes aimed at introducing improved learning strategies: lengthening the time, using Braille, or shortening the length of the text. Modifications are, in turn, changes in the course, standard,...

Words: 568 Pages: 2

Effects of Google’s Initiative on Students’ Privacy and Well-Being

Supporting learners in their studies by offering them the latest technological advances that will assist them in research is an important and noble endeavor. However, Google’s and similar companies’ recent focus on providing schools with laptops while continuing to collect users’ data appears to have rather sinister undertones that are...

Words: 270 Pages: 1

Praise, Rather Than Punish: Reflection on Paper

Authors of articles and various texts need to be careful and thorough in proving their arguments. In a report presented by NewsRx Science (2020), the central argument is that praise motivates children at school more than punishment. The study cited by the author significantly supports the idea with the results...

Words: 305 Pages: 1

Importance of School Vouchers

School vouchers, which function basically as scholarships, provide parents with the ability to reroute the trajectory of their children’s educational financing. In lieu of directing tax funds to schools, vouchers enable tax monies to be sent to individual families instead of to schools. Parents and families will have more control...

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The Arts Integration Rationale in Education

Implementing an arts-integrated curriculum is a valuable opportunity for elementary school students due to arts’ ability to develop creative thinking and problem-solving skills in children. In elementary school, arts integration can find reflection in various forms, including achieving dual learning objectives, such as learning goals peculiar to performing and social...

Words: 309 Pages: 1

Journal Article Appraisal Procedure

Critical appraisal involves systematically and carefully evaluating research to determine its credibility and relevance. Chapter 8 of Drummond & Murphy-Reyes (2018) discusses the basic research approaches, research designs, and how a reader can appraise articles. It examines the questions a reader can use to help assess the report’s credibility. The...

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Uncontrollable Business Environment in Education

In order to understand the potential of an academic institution in the context of the education industry, it is vital to assess the forces that shape its performance in the target market. Specifically, economic, sociocultural, political, and technological issues require especially close scrutiny. By analyzing the forces that dominate the...

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What Is an “Expert”, the Problem of Expertise

In my opinion, an expert is someone who carries enough knowledge about one or more areas of activity that could be perceived as a professional-level, has firsthand experience of the topic, and knows professional terminology. Moreover, an expert in my understanding is continuously improving his knowledge and keeps up with...

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Research Process Article Report

This article is dedicated to writing a full academic study and is presented in a sequential step-by-step system. Having gone through all seven stages of the program sequentially, it becomes possible to create competent academic work at a formal level. The recommendations given in the article should be used in...

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Children’s Literature and Its Importance

Introduction The development of early reading skills is critical for modern children, and educators pay much attention to the choice of books and the quality of their content. Reading helps to calm down, relax, examine the world, enlarge the level of knowledge, socialise, and even build confidence (Young Readers Foundations,...

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