Career Essay Examples for Free

Career Essay Examples for Free

It is possible to define a career in many ways, but most people agree that it is generally a process that involves progress and success.

It is important to find the right path for you. Numerous free essay samples are available in our database to help you understand the concept of a career and how to write about it.

Grow Skills: Australian Career Guidance and Development Program

Introduction Most people require preparations before deciding on their career path and readiness to join the workforce. Some preparations include career guidance, coaching, and short courses in high school or higher learning institutions that offer training and guidance toward career choices. Understanding one’s strengths, interests, and perceived future begin with...

Words: 3001 Pages: 11

Career: Comparing Job Offers

Introduction For this assignment, I have opted for investigation six concerning comparing job offers. Employment is often considered one of the most crucial aspects affecting one’s financial situation. The primary reasons most individuals work are independence, community, and earning money. After acquiring an education, one is ready to join the...

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Networking and Career Development

Evaluation of Significance Before undergoing the learning experience on professional networking, my understanding of the concept was blurred and not clearly defined. For instance, attending career conferences and engaging in networking activities on LinkedIn, I have realized that the process requires far more consistency and dedication to yield tangible results....

Words: 843 Pages: 3

Formal Education vs. Work Experience: What Is More Important?

Introduction Discovering what career to pursue earlier is essential in developing skills. Similarly, mental imagery of success can boost motivation by prompting people to construe their accomplishment abstractly and to perceive it as a priority, influencing their decision to pursue that dream. Career success for average Americans is characterized by...

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Career Counseling Support for High School Students

Introduction Career planning can give people an insight into what is required to prosper in school and in life; counseling makes sure students are enrolled in appropriate courses to get ready for their future studies and careers, and consultation teaches the achievement practices that are crucial for students to develop...

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Importance of the Career Choice and Passion for an Individual

Many theories and advisors today exist related to setting and achieving goals and building a career. This theme is especially important for students and high school graduates planning to enter the workforce. Most researchers argue that passion is essential in choosing a future profession or job (Dodd et al., 2021)....

Words: 617 Pages: 2

The Search Smarter, Not Harder Webinar Reflection

The webinar’s topic was job search and networking strategies, emphasizing searching smarter and not harder. The speaker was Mark Carolino, a career counselor. Carolino started by highlighting things that people can control and those they cannot when it comes to their careers. Individuals can regularly update their resumes their interview...

Words: 644 Pages: 2

Career Planning Skills: Campbell Interest and Skill Survey

Introduction The Campbell Interest and Skill Survey is a self-reporting tool that examines career planning skills and a variety of work-related interests. This tool provides guidance for people in suitable career fields. The scales used in the assessment approach are specifically based on people’s interest in a certain vocation and...

Words: 606 Pages: 2

Theories in Career Development

Introduction Parson’s trait theory is one of the fundamental theories of career development, as it stems directly from the roots of this discipline. Parson has proposed a set of straightforward steps that can help one to find a suitable career, which includes the understanding of self, one’s skill set, and...

Words: 262 Pages: 1

The Ideal Career: A Financial Analyst

Introduction The ideal career which interests me most is being a financial analyst due to diverse reasons. A financial analyst deals with different fiscal models under dissimilar monetary concepts. Financial anticipating, reporting, and operational metrics tracking, analysis of financial data include several duties, such as gathering information, arranging figures, and...

Words: 407 Pages: 1

Approbation of Career Development Theories

Introduction Career development is a set of activities undertaken in order to obtain development in the professional sphere. This requires soft skills (communication, empathy) and hard skills (professional). Together they form the basis by which a person strives to advance in his career and seeks prospects for realization. Career attainment...

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Academic Portfolio Development

Having a personal brand helps add credibility and visibility to one’s career, which can be made possible by using a portfolio. Portfolios enable one to attain more than building their brand because they help one build their objectives and developmental goals. Academic portfolios are a tool that can be integrated...

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The Accounting Career and Education Level

Introduction If you a looking for a career that is here to stay and earns double the US median wage, then accounting is the solution. According to the Bureau of labor statistics, the average annual salary for accounts in the US is $70,000, which makes it one of the reliable...

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The Role of Culture, Social Structures, and Agency in the Future of Work

Through the expanding work opportunities and increasingly progressive employment practices, modern industrial economies appear to embrace a more equitable and worker-oriented global job market. Nevertheless, a closer inspection of the contemporary job market tendencies paints a conflicting picture, where the long-standing practices of scientific management at the core of industrial-capitalist...

Words: 668 Pages: 2

Workforce Preparation on the School Side

Introduction The work environment is a new stage of adult life that students and students are entering. Although universities make a tangible contribution to the development of workplace skills, schools provide the foundation upon which adolescents will learn. The primary communication skills, comprehensive information retrieval, and exploration are built in...

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Trust and Leadership Issues in Kindergarten

When working in kindergarten, the two things are probably, the most important ones. First is leadership: when I work with kids, I must be the example and authority for them to ensure that they are happy to learn and listen to me. The second is mutual trust: both they should...

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The Application of the Holland’s Theory

The Holland codes is the evaluation scheme that shows the six interconnected personality types, based on the personal attitudes toward work, work skills, and work environment, developed by Dr. John Holland. The scheme has two scales of attitudes: toward material objects and mental ones. Former is either thinking in terms...

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Social Work Skills Illustrated by the Practice Session

These skills were on display during the practice sessions as Micole displayed a remarkable understanding of my situation. She made me comfortable by emphasizing that my feelings were valid and that my emotions could not be dismissed. The empathy displayed was essential in promoting my ability to speak more about...

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Pilot Job Information: Education, Salary, Challenges

Job Titles and Salary Range Some of the job titles associated with a pilot’s profession include chief pilot, copilot, and senior captain, depending on their rank in the workplace. Pilots of the largest planes are paid $ 121,408, and median sizes are paid $ 104,219 annually, with pilots of smaller...

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Mentoring and Its Types in Education and Management

For an inexperienced ward, an example of mentoring would be accompanying him for a specific time when entering the company for a new position. Such support and accompaniment are psychologically crucial in the initial stages; otherwise, the mentee will receive “information without deeper involvement” (Beard, & Wilson, 2018, p. 258)....

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Dentist Job Information: Education, Salary, Challenges

Job Titles and Salary Range Possible job titles applicable for a dentist include doctor of dental surgery (DDS), doctor of medicine in dentistry (DMD), or doctor of dental medicine (DDM). Titles vary depending on state and institution, but the training is the same (Polansky, 2017). DePietro (2019) establishes that the...

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Building a Career: Role of Work

Some of the most remarkable things I enjoy about my job include the opportunity to use and evaluate my leadership skills, plan service improvement projects, and address conflicts of interest. I enjoy utilizing my leadership skills because I am constantly challenged to improve them. Similarly, engaging in performance improvement gives...

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Career Development with SMART Objectives

To grow a career, one must be able to set SMART goals. The goals must be specific, measurable, attainable for the target audience, relevant and results-oriented, and timely within the scheduled and specified conditions. To make an achievement, being able to identify your motives is one of the major factors...

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Interviewing Skills Important for Successful Interview

Introduction A job interview is often described as a unique style of public speaking. Just like in any other speaking situation, preparation and practice are key elements of a successful interview. By anticipating and practicing the commonly asked questions, the applicant will be able to eschew the stress of the...

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Education Administration as a Career Choice

Introduction The primary purpose of education administration includes achieving the program objectives of a specific educational institution. Education administration mainly applies to the leadership in public and private learning institutions. Educational administrators are responsible for managing and laying optimistic visions and goals for the educational facilities they serve (Summey 20)....

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Possible Career Path of Teacher in Arizona

The field of education is of vital importance in modern society when people seek to gain knowledge by turning to professionals. A teacher is an education specialist, namely, one who teaches new things, helps to expand his worldview, and determines his place in life. This profession is one of the...

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Choosing the Career Path: Defining the Main Steps

Career indecision is a common phenomenon that has faced many people at one point in life. Selecting a career is one of the most significant decisions an individual has to make in life. In large part, a person’s career dictates where they live, their lifestyle, how much money they will...

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Skills Needed for the Applicants in the Open Position

While applying for the desired job, it is important to read all requirements and recommendations described in the offer. One unaccounted factor can interfere with getting a job, even if the person has all the required skills. Applicants can add specific skills that are not mentioned in the job description,...

Words: 276 Pages: 1

Careers of the Legal Secretaries and Administrative Assistants

Introduction A career is a profession accepted for an essential era of individual life and with chances for growth. It is defined as the advancement of an individual through a procedure by that they acquire knowledge (Güdük and Uca, 130). Employee training and development are paramount and support the organization...

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Becoming a Nurse Professional as a Life Goal

Becoming a nurse is a goal that I am currently working towards. There were a number of factors that contributed to my decision to pursue this career, both personal and logical alike. However, to offer a more compelling and full picture of the matter, I want to first discuss me,...

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The Part-Time Work in High School

The discussion on the benefits and drawbacks of working as a high schooler has been ongoing due to varying perspectives on the topic. On the one hand, there has been support for working while in high school because having a job means earning money to have a more active social...

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Closing the Gap Between College and Career

There are many job openings for graduates in all fields of specialization. The topic of interest, in this case, is whether there are equal employment opportunities for college graduates. Working fields are changing daily, and many graduates have found themselves in dire straits when accessing effective working employment. The issue...

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The O*NET Website: Providing Career Opportunities

The O*NET website is a multifunctional platform aimed at helping job seekers and employers. The site provides information to help specific groups with their work and career needs. It uses job search and online learning tools to find the perfect job and improve one’s skills. The site provides a vast...

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The Professional Development Plan

A professional development plan helps individuals with the correct procedure followed in achieving their career goals. Project development helps one create strategies and find resources to help them realize their objectives. Integrating technology in schools through professional development enhances the student learning process. Making good use of technology in the...

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The Choice of a Future Profession

The choice of a future profession is a very responsible and vital stage in any person’s life because a person’s welfare is directly related to his work. Choosing a suitable profession, which would still be in demand on the market, can warn a person against the problem of unemployment, which...

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Professional Development and Its Main Benefits

Professional development refers to a continuous process structure where someone can gain skills and enhance knowledge base development which, in the long run, helps in potential achievement and success in a specific framework (Ekinci et al., p. 117). Professional development helps to ensure that the aspect of relevance is integral...

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Pearson’s Career Success Program

Being employable is a process, not a final endpoint. Not a job, but a professional path. As the environment and technology have an influence on occupations, it has come to the attention of many that employers and establishments have the chance to assist trainees in moving forward in their careers....

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Meritocracy in the Australian Education System

Australia is a well-established democracy with a developed system of education and other public services. In 2019, the Former Chief Justice of WA Wayne Martin said that Australia has a great policy of social justice and equal opportunities. The official also added that Australia is a meritocracy, that is, a...

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Career Development: Impact of Politics and Conflicts

Politically Charged Environment’s Impact The sphere of my interests rarely touches upon the topic of politics unless it is necessary for work. Thus, I do not consider myself as being a political person. Neither career progression nor the psychological state is affected by the politically charged environment. As it is...

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Mistakes in Career Planning Process

Introduction The career planning process consists of four equal components: self-assessment, knowledge of the field of interest, career identification, and a clear plan of action. The key to making the right choice is understanding the area in which the person is interested. Personal qualities are also important and can be...

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Career Search Assessments and Job Search Tools

Many students struggle with choosing their major and a career they want to pursue. Interests and Values Assessments are helpful tools for those still in doubt, as these short tests identify a person’s primary interests and values they seek in the workplace. Career Search Assessments suggest suitable jobs for candidates...

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Aspects of Short-Term Career Goals

With an understanding of career prospects and growth plans for the near future, people can channel their energy in the right direction to achieve their goals and fulfill specific tasks. In my case, short-term goals are simple, which, nevertheless, allows me to focus on the necessary measures to take and...

Words: 557 Pages: 2

Job Interview Reflection

Taking on a role can provide essential insights into future real-life situations. For my previous assignment, I played an interviewer to better my understanding of how communication is critical for my future career of choice. By using the DIEP strategy, I can ensure that my experience will improve outcomes in...

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Guide to Job Searching, Networking, and Company Research

Introduction “ADMN-3015 Job Search Project” is a significant project that allows students to identify and organize the necessary knowledge about job search processes. It is known that networking is an effective method of strengthening business ties, and a business card is the best means to represent a specialist. Apple, Google,...

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The Peculiarities of Job-Seeking

Introduction Searching for a new job is a challenging process that requires specific skills from the applicant. The employee must show positive character traits, including truthfulness, active position, and readiness to work. At the same time, people searching for a new job also evaluate the propositions during the interviews, making...

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Career Theories and Their Application to Own Career Plans

Introduction Economic, technological, and social changes have progressively resulted in fragmented and discontinuous career contexts where transitions occur more frequently. As positioned by Gander (2021), various factors have promoted career mobility among individuals for the last ten years, including macroeconomic conditions that have generated geographic differences in opportunities for mobility...

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A Judge’s Job and Its Challenges

A judge’s job is highly respected in society, and it takes much time and effort to become a real professional. It is surprising that to be appointed as a judge, one must have at least ten years of experience being a bar member. Additionally, being a judge means running for...

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Finding Employment as a Graduate

Nowadays, graduates experience an extremely steep learning curve in the labor market. The knowledge they gain at the universities may be insufficient for their desired positions, while workers whom they compete against have both experience and access to continuous training. These problems continue to accumulate, stagnating employment markets and making...

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Career, Self-Knowledge, and Personal Growth

The Difference Between Career and Job and the Role of Self-Knowledge Every individual has at least once wondered about the difference between a job and a career along the professional way. I consider a job as a way of professional fulfillment and the current value of an employee in the...

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The Aspects of a Career of a CBSA Official

Notably, the essential information was chosen from the Disclosure Community Assignment. The data was visualized in the poster, divided into three crucial sections: CBSA requirements, forms of conversation, and characteristics. The poster builds off the text-based information already in DCA selected as the source document; nonetheless, it is more than...

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Software Developers: Career Path

The recent COVID-19 pandemic as well as particular geopolitical events have significantly impacted the global economy resulting in the worldwide economic recession, inflation, and rising levels of unemployment. Nevertheless, there is a sentiment that certain career paths are more versatile and resistant to the fluctuations in the economy. Considering the...

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Lawyer and Childcare Careers Assessment

After completing a questionnaire on the O*NET website and being presented with the possible occupations I might be interested in, I have chosen the options of the childcare worker and the lawyer. I am interested in becoming a childcare worker because I enjoy caring for children and providing them with...

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Sports Coaching Career and Its History

Introduction When Arsene Wenger stated that he would coach Arsenal Football Club into completing a whole season without losing a match, nobody took him seriously. Many people who followed the English premier league, including club coaches, considered this an impossible feat until Wenger accomplished it in the 2003/2004 season. For...

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A Marketing Degree for an Advertising Career

Since childhood, people have become surrounded by advertising to such an extent that they no longer differentiate genuine advice from an implicit marketing strategy. Hence, after realizing the complexity of marketing and its everlasting relevance in the modern world, I started to learn more about this field and eventually decided...

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The Industry of Motion Picture: Career Path

Modern society lives in a world with fast-changing demands for various aspects of life. Consequently, one must be careful when deciding on a career path to elevate the chances of finding a promising job. Some of the occupations that are expected to have the largest growth rate in the next...

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Career Change Decision: the Time Management Fundamentals

A career change decision is not simple to make, and it might be challenging to determine the precise date of such brave action. One should be aware of their motives and reasons to initiate significant life changes. Sometimes, people repeatedly ask themselves about the reason for having a wish to...

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Freedom in the Songwriting Career

Music, like any other career, is one that seeks to optimize life’s fulfilment. For songwriters, music is where they do not only find a means of livelihood, but also a way of life. Given the professional nature of modern day songwriting, it has become inexplicably linked with freedom rights in...

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Adequate Guidance to Job Search Process

The job search process may be tedious especially for potential employees looking for new jobs to kickstart their careers in the health care industry. Without adequate guidance, it becomes nearly impossible to find the right position that may suit an individual’s experience and qualifications. Therefore, understanding the criteria for the...

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A Personal Development Plan on Becoming a Senior Manager

Leaders in any company must possess essential management skills to carry out their position’s responsibilities effectively. Excellent management skills may be acquired and developed when a manager strives for improvement. Therefore, it is crucial to identify critical management competencies and regularly evaluate each leader’s competence. Senior managerial positions are demanding...

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Degrees and Certificates in IT Jobs

My research and personal experience tell me that the essential thing in a career as an IT specialist is special skills and knowledge. In fact, it is not so important where specialists get them from, from a degree or certificates. The portfolio of specialists will tell much more eloquently about...

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Career Planning: Law and Management

Introduction Law and management are precisely the areas I would like to devote myself professionally. Undoubtedly, I am already working to achieve success in my plans. For instance, I am actively learning business law and psychology and combining study and work. Realization in the lawyer and sports agent profession, law...

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An Intelligence Community Career and Employment

A career at intelligence services is not a quick-hire option – it requires a lot of time, education, and dedication, especially during a long government recruitment process. Moreover, the intelligence community is a highly competitive environment where applicants are expected to demonstrate advanced command of essential skills and traits such...

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State Licensing Requirements for School Counselor

School Counselor School counselors offer essential services to American learners on matters career choices and stress management. These professionals work in local, private, and state elementary and secondary learning institutions. Counselors interact directly with learners and educators via one-on-one connections. The situation offers an excellent condition for the professionals’ work...

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Importance of a Letter of Recommendation

When applying for a job or a scholarship, a letter of recommendation is of particular value. It is written on the part of the giver and is usually entrusted to a person who can vouch for the skills and qualities of another. After studying several such letters, I came to...

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How to Prepare for a Job Interview

There exist the basic principles of preparing for a job interview and performing it. They usually include such pieces of advice as conducting research about the industry and the company, in particular or thinking about the strong and weak points one possesses. However, there are several guidelines that are related...

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Career Advancement Plan for a Liberal Arts Student

Introduction This essay presents my career advancement plan as a liberal arts student. The course presents graduates with many skills and knowledge that enable them to explore diverse paths in life. The essay is divided into five sections with each part addressing a critical part of the career advancement plan....

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Advice for Computer Science College Students

Helpful pieces of Advice I found Joel Spolsky’s article to be very informative from two perspectives. The first is that the given article provides the reader with advice relevant to computer science. While some of the pieces of advice seem obvious, such as learning C before graduating, other pieces of...

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Creating LinkedIn Account for Student Job Research

LinkedIn is a social media platform that focuses on professional networking and career development. It can offer numerous opportunities for students to get experience and knowledge of the industry field and future job-seeking. LinkedIn includes such useful features as profile creation, a research tool, and groups for convenient job-hunting and...

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Gender Differences in Recommendations for Career Development

The career development of adolescents is one of the most important spheres that demand an additional investigation. The choice of future occupation influences the future life of a person and his/her success. For this reason, it is vital to understand the factors associated with this process and how they might...

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Student Planning the Career Development

You finally graduated from university and started looking for a job. If you have not followed the labor market and have not even thought about career prospects, you may find yourself in a challenging situation. At the very least, the chances are high that to get even an internship or...

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Aspects of Right Work Career Plan

Introduction A career plan is an outline that identifies what an individual is good at and involves knowing how the individual’s skills, interests, and values translate into possible careers or jobs. Furthermore, a career plan includes matching people’s career goals to their educational and financial needs, making excellent personal decisions,...

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Importance of Career Plan for Life

Introduction Every person’s dream is to land a career that satisfies their passions and financial success. However, many find themselves on the wrong path, thus implying that career counseling has become a crucial part of today’s job environment. Many students fail to acquire the right skills and lack the mentorship...

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A Career in the Sphere of Consulting and Business

Being an argumentative young girl, I quite early discovered the value of discovering the world around me through challenges. Challenging people, ideas, and conventional norms of socio-economic life patterns eventually lead to the introduction of novel and innovative visions of the future. However, besides finding the courage to challenge everything...

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Business Administration Careers

Business administration is the field offering multiple opportunities for people to succeed professionally. The most common careers for people with a Business Administration degree are associated with managing the business (Zegarra, 2019). Such jobs as project manager, human resources manager, customer services manager, accounting manager, as well as business analysts,...

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Working With Marginalized Communities

Introduction When a person chooses their future career path or advances through it, their background can play a significant role in their chance at success. The factors often negatively affect people by limiting their ability to further their careers and often turning them away from their desired career paths. Thus,...

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Career: Working With Marginalized Communities

Introduction In professional activity, a person always makes a choice, and career growth and related decisions can be influenced by the sociocultural factors that a person faces as part of marginalized communities. Generalized sociocultural factors such as family, environment, and religion can influence decisions related to a career since these...

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A Social Work Professional Interview

Social work is a practice undertaken by trained professionals to alleviate the living conditions of families, individuals, communities, or groups suffering from social deprivation. The social workers ensure that vulnerable people such as children and the elderly are protected from harmful environments. They execute their duties in various areas, including...

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The Benefits of Professional Training in Terms of Organization

Rapidly changing trends in the global financial sector require regular training and the learning of new perspectives—continuous professional development and training benefit both the organization and personal and professional level. This paper will discuss the benefits of professional training in terms of organization, professional and personal development. Professional training conducted...

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Benefits of Training in the Areas of Business and Entrepreneurship

It goes without saying that training in specific areas of business and entrepreneurship may be beneficial for my organization and my personal and professional development. First of all, training dedicated to business processes will help me as a banker to understand what strategies will be more suitable for my organization’s...

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Career Counselling Strategies for Diverse Populations

Introduction There are several strategies that career counselors can use when dealing with a mixed populace. Diverse populations refer to clients of varied racial backgrounds, different genders, race, culture, and abilities. The clients’ diversification calls for keenness on the career counselors’ side to ensure credible advice is rendered. This paper...

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Personal Brand Attributes and Reinforcement

Attributes of the Personal Brand The undoubted success in every field of life is strongly connected with ongoing development. Therefore, I should reevaluate my personal brand’s most significant attributes periodically and work on their improvement. In order to increase my abilities as an excellent, empathetic communicator, I want to start...

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Work Hours and Academic Success Relationship

A positive correlation between working 20+ hours per week and the negative impact on the study and health of students is due to the concomitant factors that overtime work entails. Miller et al. (2008) mention “binge drinking, less sleep, and lower academic performance” as the direct consequences of the fatigue...

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Importance of Networking for Building a Successful Career

Currently, I am envisioning a career in the field of international business and management. Therefore, my future job may involve contacts with people from different organizations related to various supply chain elements, such as sales, procurement, and transportation. With this perspective in mind, I have initially listed five types of...

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Professional Development & Employability in Business

Personal growth, research, digital marketing, and business and society are just a few of the topics covered in the professional development classes. These themes have a significant impact on a student’s professional and future career development. Overall, the class provides students with the opportunity to explore specific topics of interest....

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Saudi Student Activities Programs Guiding Youths Toward Entrepreneurship

Introduction Entrepreneurship has long been viewed as a generator of job opportunities and driver of innovation in Saudi Arabia. Current academic literature shows that there is a positive correlation between appropriate entrepreneurship education and number of self-employed individuals. In particular, the decision to engage in entrepreneurship is intentional, thus can...

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Obtaining Mental Health Counseling License

The specifics of professions associated with psychological counseling In the first part of this discussion post, it is required to highlight the specifics of various professions associated with psychological counseling. The peculiarity of the professions of a chocolate counselor and a psychologist is the need to show empathy for the...

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Virtual Career Center Visit: The Berkeley City College

Introduction It is important to note that career centers play a critical role in helping students to find jobs and employment opportunities while they are at the university or college to ensure a smoother transition to the labor market without any significant delays. The analysis will primarily focus on the...

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Role of Evaluation in the Training Process

Evaluation is an important process in understanding the efficacy of training programs because it makes it possible to estimate whether they have achieved their intended goals or not (Wang & Wilcox, 2006). In this regard, evaluation provides a framework for comprehending the cause and effect of training techniques. Additionally, it...

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Electronic Portfolios in Career Development

With the increasing pace of information technology development, as well as the fact that its use has become common in every possible area, digital tools have also been incorporated into career development options. An electronic portfolio is an example of such development in the realm of employment, as the studies...

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Professional Skills of a Personal Support Worker

Introduction Professionalism is an essential term in understanding the basics of efficient and successful working life in the last decade. Initially, it refers to well-balanced, executive work where the person is aware of their responsibilities and rights and knows how to follow the rules required for the job in an...

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Technologies That Are Beneficial in Career Counseling

Introduction CACG- computer-assisted career guidance programs are very essential when deciding on career paths. CACG systems need to be incorporated into education systems to provide career guidance. SIGI PLUS, DISCOVER, and CHOICES are related to CACG systems (Peker et al., 2017) and enables an individual to identify their strengths. ECES-...

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Career Paths in Psychology suggests plenty of jobs for Educational Psychologists in the Texas region, with various requirements for the job seeker’s expertise and education. For instance, the job description for Licensed Specialist in School Psychology in Cameron, Texas, implies that the applicant has a Specialist or Master’s degree, a valid Texas teaching...

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“Heart + Head = Hustle” Activity-Based Reflection

Everyone wants to find their place and live a meaningful and joyful life; however, not everyone knows how to build it. Today there are many guides, books, instructions, and strategies to improve life and find the perfect job. One such method is the “Heart + Head = Hustle” strategy, which...

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Career Development: Main Strategies

Introduction Career remains one of the most important aspects of a person’s self-realization. It has an uncanny ability of manipulating a person’s expectations and motivation while also possessing many variables a person has little to no control over. Bridgstock et al. (2019, p. 89) acknowledge that “employability is influenced by...

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“What Jobs Will Still Be Around in 20 Years?” by Mahdawi

Automation is one of the greatest fears and marvels of the future. The idea of robotization and replacement of human labor is not appealing to many, especially so for those to whom the diversification of skills is not a viable option. Consequently, it cannot be declared an unexpected outcome. Disruptive...

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Career Paths Analysis of School Counselor

The job of school counselors and career advisors is related to psychology. The key responsibilities of such counselors include the development, implementation, and management of guidance programs; counseling of students individually, in small groups and classroom settings; assistance of students in the creation of an academic plan, choosing of college...

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Importance of Career Planning

Since childhood, people wonder about who they want to become. Gradually, the list of questions is supplemented by what profession to master, how to get the necessary education and skills. One of the defining selection criteria is often how profitable a future job can be. An article by Torpey (2016),...

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Career Development: Narrative Counseling and Constructivism Theory

Career Development Narrative After traveling to Canada as an immigrant, I had to change my career path. I am a registered nurse in the Philippines. While studying nursing in my home country, students are exposed to a variety of courses to equip them with the necessary skills to handle all...

Words: 836 Pages: 3

Human Resources Theory and Research: Career Goal

Broad Career Goal Moving up the career ladder in the desired industry is a perspective that many employees strive for but cannot achieve this aim for various reasons, for instance, high competition, insufficient qualifications, and some other obstacles. I have already chosen the area where I would like to grow...

Words: 2873 Pages: 10

Vocational Treatment Plan: Jennifer’s Case

Jennifer’s Employment History and Job Skills When Jennifer completed her high school diploma, she was employed as a bank teller. Through the position mentioned above, she acquired customer care skills and accounting knowledge through balancing deposits, withdrawal procedures, and other money transitions like loans and mortgages. After the first employment,...

Words: 1200 Pages: 4