Writing & Assignments Essay Examples for Free - Page 3

Writing & Assignments Essay Examples for Free

“The Remains of the Day” by Kazuo Ishiguro

The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro tells about a man’s journey into the past during a motoring trip through the England countryside ((Ishiguro, 2012). Told from a first-person perspective, the story is narrated in the form of a diary by an English butler named Stevens working at Darlington...

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Application for Admission: Texas A&M University

Since childhood, sports have been part and parcel of my life. I have been zealously involved in sports not only as a fan, but I have also played several other roles, particularly in basketball. I have been the team sister, worked concessions, taken my brothers to train, and also spent...

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Reflecting on Feedback from audiences

Reflecting on feedback from professors, peers, and other audiences is essential for any student to become more sophisticated and confident with writing and editing. I strive to analyze all comments and assessments that I receive, as I comprehend the value and significance of constructive criticism. I particularly appreciate the time...

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Source Selection Criteria for the Major Multimodal Research Project

The quality of research depends largely on the sources used to support the discussion. The selection process may be complicated, but its results will have a direct impact on the outcome of the study. List et al. distinguish between two approaches to the academic source selection (22). The epistemic approach...

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Personal Experience Reflection According to Markman and Duke

Despite the gained quality and experience, many students, researchers, or ordinary people face the writer’s block from time to time. According to Markman and Duke (2017), it is a condition when a person loses the ability to write and continues sitting in front of a blank screen without a single...

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“Eight Reasons Plagiarism Sucks” by Shafer

In the article “Eight Reasons Plagiarism Sucks,” Shafer explains the harm of plagiarism for readers, writers, and the entire profession of journalism. I totally agree with the points made by the author about the negative effects of plagiarism. For example, Shafer argues that a plagiarizing writer is likely to copy...

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Wellness Perception After Health Sciences Course

Since the start of the course, my definition of wellness was significantly modified. Before entering the course, I believed that wellness was making rational choices that lead to a state of holistic health. However, after almost completing the course, I understand that wellness is an ACTIVE pursuit of activities and...

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Personal Journey into College Education

The journey in college education is not easy, but it is worth it as I have gained useful knowledge and skills, and I have undergone significant changes both academically and personally. My first week in college was a little hectic because I was not used to the pressure that comes...

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Introduction to Sociology: Groups, Networks, and Organizations

To begin with, the topic that seems to be the most insightful in the chapter covers the problem of the reference group. It appears to be specifically relevant considering the influence of social media and information on an individual that is free to choose its reference group. That is the...

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Research Process and Analysis

Generating ideas, planning, and writing assignments are essential competencies that are necessary to study to achieve a high level of written and communication skills. They are extremely useful since they allow the author to learn to formulate thoughts clearly and competently, structure information, use analysis, and argue their conclusions. Creating...

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English Course for Writing and University Education

University education experience is inherently connected with students’ ability to perceive, analyze, critically assess, and process large volumes of information. Another vital aspect of university education is academic writing relevant to all courses taken by students. The skills and theoretical knowledge necessary for clear, consistent, and well-structured delivery of one’s...

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Writing a Good Essay: The Key Points

A thesis is a statement that is put forward to be discussed and defended to reveal the underlying truth. The presentation of the ideas in the thesis may follow a long essay format that is well-articulated to elaborate the arguments of the author. Most of the universities require their candidates...

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Labor Relations in the Aerospace Industry

Discussion There are several core components involved with labor relations in all industries, not just the aerospace industry that have common aspects. The Railway Labor Act (RLA) of 1926 was the first law that guaranteed workers the right to organize and join unions and appoint their own leaders/representatives without the...

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A Scientific Study and Assignment Ethics in Nursing

A scientific study should be characterized by integrity and ethical conduct. Responsible researchers always pay attention to such aspects as confidentiality, participants’ rights, the use of reliable data, an unbiased approach, and so on. Plagiarism cannot be tolerated, and any idea or data has to be properly used with an...

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Change the Course of History: What Would You Do?

Reflections on changing the course of history are a common sight. People tend to imagine other ways of the sequence of events and predict possible results in different circumstances. They inquire whether particular negative consequences and horrible events could be avoided. Occasionally, people are impressed by the alignment of contingencies...

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The Craft of Screenwriting

Introduction The craft of screenwriting stands behind every movie, television films, or commercials. Creating an exciting and catchy work requires a lot of attention to the details, consideration of the audience, overcoming various challenges, and responsibility. The job of a screenwriter represents a complex process that includes multiple aspects. Creating...

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Plagiarism: Definition, the Importance of Correct Citation

An old problem in literal sources which still appears in the era of high technological progress is plagiarism. This issue is quite distinctively can be defined today due to search via the Internet or throughout the direct sources. The originality of thought was valued in different times. This point was...

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Feedback During Scholarly Writing Process

Introduction In today’s environment that is characterized by a lot of information and ever-changing conditions, feedback is a vital instrument. The given concept can be defined as useful information that is received from an instructor, reviewer, or another assigned party in response to particular behavior or actions (Mulliner & Tucker,...

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Research Paper Analysis: Report on Sleep Habits

Introduction Analysis of a research report paper involves an in-depth appraisal of research results, to establish the significance of the research; where its strengths and weaknesses are discussed. In most cases, statistical data analysis usually requires the analyzer to understand the research results adequately; to be able to analyze the...

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The Crucial Role of Definition in an Argument

A meaningful argument is a perfect way of finding the truth and resolving conflicts in various contradictions, ranging from pressing political issues to daily life aspects. However, the key to success is a mutual understanding of what is discussed and what the opinions of all the parties involved are. Incorrect...

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The Process of Essay Writing

Exploring the blogs, I always admire the people owning the good quality of articles; listening to a speech, I always wonder how the author wrote out an impressive speech paper. On reading the tutorials of writing an essay, I started to comprehend the profundity. Like science and math, writing essays...

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Synthesis Versus Argumentative Essay

The essay component is a particularly important aspect of writing and representation of views. In a synthesis essay, the author expresses a unique point of view, providing an illustration of a central theme supported with sources, while an argumentative paper showcases a position from the findings and evaluation of a...

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Application for Readmission

Introduction I had discontinued my Nursing Program at the San Diego Nursing College in the 2009 fall semester due to personal reasons. After the discontinuation, I took some time off to evaluate my options, assess my ability to continue with the program, and get my motivation back on track. I...

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Identifying the Thesis Statement Guidelines and Rubric

Having a clear thesis statement is crucial to the whole structure of any piece of writing. The thesis allows the writer to create a focus on the main idea of the article and set the tone for the paper itself. It is vital for a student to be able to...

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Purpose for Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering

Growing up in Somali as a child was fascinating; my friends and I had one desire, to learn extensively. Nevertheless, this was not to be as our country immediately plunged into a civil war that was to see hopes of many young people vanish within the thin air. What remained,...

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Plagiarism, Self-Plagiarism and Its Implications

Plagiarism is defined as an act of copying another person’s work or ideas without acknowledging their authorship. For instance, when writing, one may use a definition developed by someone else without providing a reference to this person. There are examples of more blatant plagiarism when writers copy entire paragraphs penned...

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Careful Words’ Usage as a Key for Various Writing Cases

Words are a potent tool in an argument and require special consideration. Their proper usage significantly helps in conveying one’s point of view and persuading the opponents. However, the improper use of words can lead to deliberate misinterpretation of the subject or the alienation of the writer’s opinion. In this...

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The Personal Assessment Guide

Introduction As part of a student’s success program, the Northcentral University helps students to track and measure student’s success in order to identify and address areas of challenge. The personal assessment guide tracks an individual’s progress and is also used as a performance benchmark for student’s success. It provides an...

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Writing as a Social Act

Writing is an act that can be seen as individual or collective. While many people might think of writing as something solitary, Palmquist claims that “most of our writing… is an intensely social activity”. I agree with the author on this opinion as I see communication, whichever form it can...

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“The Experience Machine” Article by Robert Nozick

Main Arguments In the article “The Experience Machine”, Robert Nozick introduces a powerful machine capable of stimulating any intended experience, desire, and pleasure. The experimentation indicates that human beings would be unwilling to plug into such a device since it is incapable of promoting feelings that are in touch with...

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Till Death Do Us Part: A Part of Personal Novel

Jane was packing the present for Lucy so carefully and ever so passionately: first the wrapping paper, then the red ribbon, then the card, and finally, the whole box went into a transparent bag and sprinkled over with rose petals. Jane knew roses were Lucy’s favourite flowers, and she was...

Words: 2000 Pages: 7

How to Write a Successful Essay

Introduction Writing an essay can be a challenging task to perform; that is why many students must be helped to know how to write well. It can be very difficult to write successful essays if one does not know the steps involved in writing. My first experience in writing was...

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Gaining University Experience as a Path to Professionalism and Readiness for Work

Critically Reflective Essay My university experience has been fascinating and enriching, preparing me for my workplace. Specifically, it has enabled me to improve my personal attributes and generic skills and acquire an academic certification, which are all essential employability components. Employability is a set of characteristics that helps one to...

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A Comprehensive Reflection on the Assignments

Introduction In the contemporary world, effective communication is vital to accomplish many tasks in corporate, academic, and social spheres. Thus, I considered 004R Reading/Writing/Grammar as one of the essential courses. In this class, I have learned how thematically to read texts to ensure I understand what the author intended to...

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Exercises for Conventions: Drafting Ideas for Conventions

Introduction Exercises for Generating, Drafting, and Revising allow you to work on your own writing projects and either generate and plan for them, draft for them, or revise for them. This exercise is for drafting ideas for conventions. You should consider starting your writing process by drafting ideas for conventions...

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Complete Form for the Argumentative Essay

The Topic for the essay will be the following: Social Norms Imposed by Social Media: How Instagram Affects Users’ Life Satisfaction. During the self–isolation social media becomes the only way to communicate with the world. Nevertheless, I am worried how young people are prone to quickly develop an inferiority complex...

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Gender Stereotypes of Children’s Toys by Boekee & Brown

The suitability of the text The research on Gender Stereotypes of Children’s Toys adapted by Boekee and Brown provides factual, clear information and credible evidence based on various researches. The current study is published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Occupational Therapy and is aimed to help occupational therapists, students, and...

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6-Hour Working Day in Various Employment Areas

When writing about any particular issue, a good writer needs to present its complexity. Therefore, he or she can develop a balanced and comprehensive opinion while also exploring the nuances that could be overlooked in a more superficial examination. Today, for many, working 6 hours a day instead of 8...

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The Concept and Definition of Drafting

Drafting is the second step of the writing process, during which the writer puts their ideas and thoughts into complete sentences and paragraphs. With prewriting and planning already done, at this stage you need to expand your notes into a cohesive text, develop your ideas, and support them with arguments...

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Sociology of Work Overview and Analysis

I believe that providing individuals with universal basic income (UBI) will not contribute to the increase in social equality. On the contrary, reducing the barrier between various workers and the unemployed part of the population leads to the unequal redistribution of wealth. Individuals who choose to invest in their professional...

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Writing Scholarly Papers: Process and Goals

Introduction The process of writing scholarly papers can be viewed as challenging because of the necessity of following a variety of rules and norms associated with academic writing. Thus, challenges can be faced not only at the stages of reviewing the literature and applying methodologies but also when composing a...

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“Inviting Transformation” by Foss

Introduction Designing a compelling presentation is crucial when one aims to deliver specific points. They can be used to share experiences, thoughts, or facts, to encourage the audience to take action or to increase awareness about the issue of the matter. Thus, every presenter strives to share information efficiently by...

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College-Level Writing Assignments: Strategies

Writing academic papers seems like a daunting task when students have to complete it for the first time, and it takes a long time until they get used to it. The first ten works of different sizes and formats were exhausting for me because I had to think all the...

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How to Write an Effective Thesis Statement

Writing plays an immeasurably significant role in education, future career, and life in general. There is substantial evidence that writing may be more beneficial for the student’s language development in comparison with spoken tasks. By the completion of the writing lesson, students will know the definition of a thesis statement...

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The Pitfalls and Virtues of Mastering Scholarly Writing

Introduction The desire to question the utility of a particular course may be common among students who do not have a clear vision for their scholarly pursuits. From my perspective, the main objective of academic writing seems relatively direct, and as it happens with other types of writing, it is...

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DNP: Intentional Incorporation of Feedback

Writing a DNP prospectus is an iterative process that is repeated until the paper meets all the requirements. A content expert and a faculty chair often use a rubric to provide a student with feedback (VanderKooi et al., 2018). This rubric can be used by the student to organize his...

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Relationship With Writing Analysis

My relationship with writing is something that I have rarely considered because of focusing on the process itself rather than reflecting on it. Having taken a creative writing class, I have learned that too much introspection could halter the freedom and the effortless flow of words that can take one...

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An Important Event in Literacy Development

Introduction Literacy development is a process that takes place over time. For this reason, no universal explanation exists for the spread of the reading culture globally. To grow and develop literacy skills, input from several people is needed. Just like constructing a house, many people are involved, especially during the...

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Chapter 2 of “Writing in College” by Amy Guptill

Chapter 2 of the book Writing in College: From Competence to Excellence, written by Amy Guptill (2016), is called “What Does the Professor Want? Understanding the Assignment.” This chapter presents its readers with specific ways of understanding professors’ tasks and developing pieces of writing that will be positively graded by...

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Developing and Evaluating a Literature Search Strategy

Research question: To what extent does the leadership style of a leader or executive impact the workplace culture and attitudes of employees? Key terms: leadership style, attitudes, workplace culture Search terms (synonyms): styles of leadership, management style, workplace culture, employee attitudes, the impact of leadership style, strategic leadership, employee morale,...

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Walden Community History and Nowadays

Walden community has a long history of being a change-maker in the educational and social landscapes of the country, as well as the world. This proactive and innovation-centered approach has made me eager to become a member of the Walden community. I cannot say I wished to become a Walden...

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A Review on Multiple Future Prediction

Multiple future predictions are a modern discipline in the study of a broadened future exploration of alternative models of action. It involves the use of case studies derived from institutional and organizational foresight to illustrate methods and theories. It is a systematic study of probable, preferable, and possible futures of...

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“My Nosy Neighbors” Narrative and Its Concept

The Narrative “My Nosy Neighbors” The moment I woke up on Monday morning, I knew that this would be a wonderful day. I stretched luxuriously and climbed out of my bed to get ready for work. It was summertime and I could hear children playing joyfully outside. Two of my...

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Critical Appraisal Processes for Quantitative Research

Critical appraisal refers to the process of determining whether a provided study was well conducted and further establishing if the obtained findings are helpful and useful or not. In terms of biblical integration, critical appraisal is important when it comes to interpreting various chapters, such as the book of revelation,...

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Quoting and Paraphrasing in the Video by Lynette Pretorius

Paraphrasing NASA indicates that their project has reached a new record of fixing GPS-signal at the highest altitude. According to the article by Johnson-Groh (2016), four vehicles operate 43,500 miles above the Earth and manage to use GPS data to calculate flight routes. The systems require careful operating since they...

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Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic Times

I planned to explore college students’ ideas regarding maintaining a healthy lifestyle on their campuses. I intended to implement qualitative research to gain insights into the participants’ attitudes and opinions, so face-to-face interviews were the most appropriate method to collect data. In order to recruit potential participants, I wanted to...

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Traveling by Train among Animals and Plants

Traveling by train may be something ordinary but it gives passengers one of those moments of calmness and appeasement. While the train smoothly goes along the railways, green meadows, fields, and hills go past the train windows. The thin line of the evening horizon is dark and mysterious, but the...

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Signal Verbs: The Use of Various Verbs

In most citation styles, the writer can add proof to their research by introducing quotations or paraphrases found in different sources. For this purpose, a useful tool which helps make writing more vivid and descriptive exists, it is called signal verbs. These are words which indicate how an individual is...

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The Useful Lessons on Academic Writing: Video Review

The two videos uploaded by Isaac educate the proper construction of the text by using sources and arranging words in sentences. The narrator warns the audience about common mistakes like low-quality analysis of the sources and improper placement of commas in sentences with and without conjunctions. Generally, the professional combination...

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Persuasive Email about Codex Camera

Dear Mr. Smith! I am one of the numerous owners of cameras produced by your company, who are attracted by its high quality and easy-focus feature. I took your product on the world trip, hoping to get perfect and priceless shots that would remind me about happy moments I had...

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The Impotrtance of the Consuming Research

Consuming research is important among different audiences as it gives them a view regarding various occurrences and the reasons behind a specific phenomenon. According to Patten and Newhart, reading a study is essential because it reflects on different societal happenings (1). It gives people an explicit understanding regarding the issues...

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Writing Essays Using Contractions and the First and Second Persons

Academic writing differs from other written activities, as it has specific goals. The objective of the academic work is to inform the reader about a particular problem, providing facts and arguments. According to academic writing rules, the use of contractions, first and second persons in formal writing is not acceptable...

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Education System Impact on Hispanic Women

Overview of KAM The objective in this study of Organizational and Social Systems KAM III is to broaden the knowledge and understanding of the impact of the education system on Hispanic Women. The theorists and researchers of this study are Peter Senge (1994), Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1955), and Kenneth...

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On Fitting in and Changing the World

I would like everyone here today to think about something Jim Jarmusch once said: “If anyone tells you there is only one way, their way, get as far away from them as possible, both physically and philosophically”. You must have heard this – or a variation of this – a...

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Statement about the Work with Young Children

I am a 22 year old African American female, and this background became the root of my desire to be engaged in work with young children. It can sound strange but I see racial tension in the USA today. This fact makes me recall the events of Civil Rights Movement....

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A Lifelong Learner: Why It Is Important

It is possible to describe myself as a lifelong learner. The reason is that the knowledge of something cannot be regarded as a stable state, and each individual needs to learn new things every day to follow the pace of modern life. Even if a person has received a good...

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The Methodology for Framing a Quote

Quotes are used in academic writing to give strength, authority, and persuasion to the author’s arguments and back up their ideas. Framing is a method of integrating quotes into an essay fluidly and with enough context so that the reader understands their purpose (Quoting: When and how to use quotations)....

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The Mechanical Systems Laboratory: Cantilever Beam

Abstract This experiment explores damping and the effects of different testing parameters. In this laboratory exercise, data on how various damping treatments and the impact of imperfect boundary conditions affect the measure parameters. In particular, the half-power bandwidth technique and FRFs of an I-beam section were used to measure the...

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Frustrating Experience of New Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to complain about the frustrating experience of operating one of your new robotic vacuum cleaners and communicating with the technical support team. On August 11, 2020, I bought an iRobot Roomba i7+ vacuum cleaner through the official website of your corporation. One of...

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The Importance of Plagiarism in Any Type of Writing

Plagiarism at its core is the use of someone else’s words, research, or ideas and not giving proper credit to those individuals. The most blatant use of plagiarism in academic writing is either copying and pasting, or simply slightly rephrasing the original text, once again without properly formatting or citing...

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Description of the Object: A Silver Tray With Carving

The physical properties of an object are vital for the creation of its image and its perception by people. For this reason, much attention is devoted to details such as color, shape, material, as they are usually chosen to influence a person and trigger specific emotions. At the same time,...

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The Vote Necessity: Annotated Bibliography and Speech

Annotated Bibliography Cizmar, A. M. (2016). Why bother? Apathy in the American electorate. In B.A. King & K. Hale (Eds.), Why don’t Americans vote? Causes and consequences (pp. 51–59). ABC-CLIO. This chapter was written by Anne M. Cizmar, and it provides extensive information on the psychological aspect of citizens’ unwillingness...

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The Importance of Referencing in University Assignments

Many students find the task of writing academic assignments complicated. This is because the majority of students have little knowledge on how citing academic work should be done. Failure by the students to reference their work opens them to criticism by their assessors. Despite these views among the students, referencing...

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Essay Writing Tips – Simple and Easy to Follow

Fed up of difficult and lengthy essay writing tips? Well, we can understand your plight when you have no time or inclination to read lengthy documents giving essay writing tips. And we do not plan to do that to you – do not worry. We will give you essay writing...

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Essay Writing – Steps to Choose a Topic

Essay writing topics usually depend on your subject of specialization. Many a times, students wonder how to choose an essay writing topic. If the college or university provides essay writing topics, the task becomes simpler for students. However, when essay writing topics are not assigned to you, then you should...

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Writing Skills Improvement and Research Challenges Minimization

Introduction This semester has been instrumental in developing my writing, critical, and analytical skills. I have tackled several assignments across the semester, which gave me an opportunity to intrinsically display my creative and critical writing skills. This reflective treatise will review my performance in the Graduation Day, Saudi Women Rights,...

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Assessments to Ensure Student Learning

Teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning A student’s assessment is a task that involves an array of factors to be taken into account. Currently, teachers do not possess the experience and the skills to ensure the appropriate assessment process (U.K. Department for...

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