Career Essay Examples for Free - Page 2

Career Essay Examples for Free

Importance of Career Counseling

Introduction An individual should constantly be making new decisions due to the changing nature of challenges, including a new attitude developed towards a specific work. It is essential for this individual to constantly seek guidance on approaching significant concerns regarding a particular career. Therefore, career counseling aims at assisting an...

Words: 673 Pages: 2

The Importance of Presentation Skills in a Career

Presentation skills are some of the most difficult skills a speaker and a student can master throughout their career. Like any area that involves convincing and compelling an audience, it demands composure, eloquence, and expensive research-focused groundwork (Jordan et al., 2021). The ability to focus on said research, prioritize the...

Words: 281 Pages: 1

Practices in the K-12 System Influence the Career Choice in the Psychology Field

My education, interactions, and other practices in the K-12 system greatly influenced my college and career choice in the psychology field. During this period, I understood the need for a successful future, and my parents made me realize the significance of working hard in school. The high school principal constantly...

Words: 296 Pages: 1

Social Worker: Reasons to Enter the Profession

Introduction The wish to become a social worker cannot be explained through the oversimplified desire “to help people”; there is a myriad of reasons that partake in one’s consideration of choosing a professional career. The common understanding of social work is to reach social justice and prevent social injustice. However,...

Words: 592 Pages: 2

Professional Portfolio and Learning Communities

A professional portfolio is a collection of a person’s skills, experiences, and achievements. It is essential to create one because it showcases certain attributes that may not otherwise be noticeable. For instance, it is possible to communicate values such as honesty, adaptability, and grit via a professional portfolio. Additionally, one...

Words: 291 Pages: 1

The Effective Cover Letter and Resume Importance

Introduction Concerning my desired career field, a nurse manager is a qualified administrative position that implies overseeing the nursing staff, creating schedules, hiring new nurses, and managing unit budgets. What is more, nurse managers should be a mediator between administration and employees and be ready to take appropriate disciplinary actions....

Words: 631 Pages: 2

First Day at Work Recommendations

On the first working day, it is vital for a new employee to look not only formally correct but also to fit the company’s dress code in which they are going to work. Therefore, it would be helpful to know in advance how the employees of the status corresponding to...

Words: 553 Pages: 2

Strategic Plan For Getting a Human Resource Management Job

Executive Summary The strategic plan is essential in outlining effective tactics that will help get a new job after getting laid down from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The initial weeks and months of the pandemic involved various strategies by countries towards providing unprecedented support aimed at protecting jobs...

Words: 2956 Pages: 10

Professional Development Plan Overview

Introduction The BSN degree is an important step in the professional development of a nurse. My professional development plan includes constant improvement of skills and expansion of knowledge, which also includes continuing education. The degree will allow me to fulfill a wider variety of roles and take a specialized path...

Words: 1192 Pages: 4

Working While Learning for Adolescents

Teenagers at all times strived to become adults faster, but the current generation has its significant differences. Nowadays, most young students want to become financially independent as soon as possible. This fact sometimes pleases the parents, but more often scares them. It is due to the fact that along with...

Words: 550 Pages: 2

My Future as a Human Services Professional

Introduction As a human service professional, I am driven by the urge to assist individuals in performing at an optimal level through the counseling skills I possess. I am well versed with human development, cultural impact on human conduct, and economic influence on anthropoid thinking. However, there are various interventions...

Words: 1659 Pages: 6

Self-Assessment Results Report

Introduction The success of any organization, to a considerable extent, depends on the personal qualities of its team members and their ability to work together, avoid conflict situations, and foster excellent communication. When searching for a new staff member, any enterprise can benefit from providing each candidate with a basic...

Words: 1756 Pages: 6

The Career of a Community Organizer

This paper is an analysis of a sociology-related career. The chosen career for this assignment is that of a community organizer. The paper analyzes the distribution of professionals in this career along various socio-demographic characteristics, examines the differences in earnings for workers based on the socio-demographic characteristics, and offers a...

Words: 344 Pages: 1

Future Career Aspects Overview

Assessing different aspects of the future profession is an essential aspect of preparing for the upcoming career and its unique characteristics. The nursing career is characterized by numerous requirements, including both regulatory and ethical regulations, and the analysis of work in this industry requires evaluating a wide range of concepts...

Words: 550 Pages: 2

Career Essay: Educational Experience

From my educational experience, I consider a college education an important element in the development of a person. For instance, tertiary learning prepares one to acquire advanced education in modeling their career path. It is, therefore, beneficial in granting students a professional job, offering the necessary information on workplace behavior,...

Words: 303 Pages: 1

Judgement In Managerial Decision Making

As per the table below, the graduate student can make a choice based on its advantages and salary for the best job offer. A job may have a high salary but other factors are not favorable to the candidate’s welfare. Sometimes, other factors can be favorable but the income is...

Words: 925 Pages: 4

Critical Decisions for Lawyers

Introduction A lawyer does not only appear in court in the interests of the company. The essential functions of a specialist in the legal department are to formalize the organization’s activities in line with the existing legislation and not allow violations of the law that entail losses and costs. A...

Words: 808 Pages: 3

Professional Development Plan

Introduction In the context of constant health challenges, every healthcare worker must guarantee the population quality medical assistance, as well as an empathic approach. New technologies determine the need to improve knowledge crucial to a medic’s career. Nurses with a high level of professional training have better chances to achieve...

Words: 1216 Pages: 4

Analysis of Supervisor Job Descriptions

Introduction The job market is frequently updated with new offers and vacancies. For this assessment, there were chosen three different companies that are looking for specialists in production supervision. Production supervision implies the responsibility of organizing and overseeing the production processes, the staff, and the equipment. While the titles of...

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A Career That Offers Opportunities for Personal Development

Introduction Many people consider salary one of the most critical aspects of choosing the type of career they would like to pursue. They regard to pay as the tangible result of the accomplished task, and hence, it becomes a dominant factor in job selection. Nonetheless, I cannot entirely disagree that...

Words: 576 Pages: 2

Preparation for a Job Interview

Introduction First job interviews after college can be terrifying, after all, one wants to land a successful entry-level position in their industry of choice, but often lacks the experience in the professional world. In simple words, the process of preparation for a job interview is ensuring that one is a...

Words: 1099 Pages: 3

Career Goals of Masters of Business Administration

Business success depends on knowledge, skills, and resilience to endure hardship. Most programs in Masters of Business Administration (MBA) programs teach students to become conscious and responsible leaders who can manage interpersonal issues, adapt to a changing environment quickly, and have a long-term vision (Rubens et al. 2). Furthermore, constant...

Words: 566 Pages: 2

Career Development Plan: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction How this external factor has influenced my career development How I have responded to this external factor Family socioeconomic status is one of the factors that can influence an individuals’ career development. Typically, people from higher socioeconomic backgrounds can access career offices and guidance counselors, making it easy for...

Words: 1034 Pages: 3

Accounting Career Path Overview

My major career field is accounting, which I have chosen for particular reasons. First of all, when I was studying at school, I had no problems with mathematics. This subject appeared to be one of the most enjoyable classes for me. I could understand the new material with easiness and...

Words: 558 Pages: 2

Health Care Career Choice: Athletic Trainer

Today, selecting a future profession is one of the most important decisions in a person’s life, which will have a crucial impact on it. When choosing a future career path, there are different factors that people rely on. These factors are salary, the popularity of the job, easiness, a person’s...

Words: 1139 Pages: 4

Professional Identity and Professional Advocacy

Nowadays, the effectiveness of counseling services is defined by a large number of factors that demand close attention from a professional advocate. First, it is not only the communication abilities and spectrum of approaches in their arsenal that can constitute counselors’ competence. After all, counselors are subjective human beings who...

Words: 543 Pages: 2

Importance of English Composition Class to My Future Career

English composition class intends to equip learners with better writing skills, including proper grammar usage and punctuation skills. With the introduction of English composition, empowered learners can now communicate diversely and derive meaning from observation. English composition class has enabled students to understand and develop their careers. With proper oral...

Words: 548 Pages: 2

Professional Development Plan: Registered Nurse

Introduction Professional development plans are of extreme importance for people for various reasons. On the one hand, the plan helps to have a sense of purpose in life. It helps to understand where a person is in his or her professional life and realize the steps that should be made...

Words: 1142 Pages: 4

Career Path: Why I Chose To Pursue Sociology

Pursuing Sociology I chose to pursue a degree in sociology because I have been raised in a country with a diverse population where races conflict more often. I was intrigued to know why human beings behave the way they do and what drives them to respond and act in a...

Words: 856 Pages: 3

Career Services: Resume Review, Job Boards, and Interviews

After visiting the career services website, one service which fits my needs is resume review. It entails assessing a resume to make a person stand out from the crowd of candidates. That will increase the chances of getting a job. In a job application, I will be trying to convince...

Words: 321 Pages: 1

Career Aspirations: Self-Assessment and Critical Reflection

I chose to pursue a degree in animal science and animal welfare because I wanted to learn more about the scientific concepts that govern animals. The following reasons inspired me to venture into a career in animal science and animal health: The first step in planning my working career is...

Words: 574 Pages: 2

Strategic Career Plan

Introduction Today, people change jobs more often than the previous generations. However, changing jobs may very easily turn into mindless job-hopping without a solid career plan. Thus, developing a strategic career plan is crucial, as it creates a vision, a final destination of one’s career path, and a roadmap to...

Words: 951 Pages: 3

Career Strategies. Training Programs and Their Impact on Career

Career-related services are concerned with assisting individuals in getting more information about jobs or fields of specialization. Some plans and strategies focus on career-related services that can apply for college drop-outs. Many students drop out of college if they lack motivation to carry on with their studies. The purpose of...

Words: 350 Pages: 1

Creating Professional Development Plan in Business Administration

Introduction This professional development plan (PDP) aims to demonstrate how I’ll achieve three professional goals during my doctoral business administration program of study, the resources I’ll employ to achieve these goals, as well as the specific timelines set for the achievement of the discussed goals. In this PDP, a goal...

Words: 1381 Pages: 5

Career and Vocational Counselling: Nature of Work

Introduction The labor market in the United States and the globe has experienced a dynamic shift in the nature of work. As such, the new developments in the nature-of-work have necessitated the involvement of career and vocational counselors who are sufficiently versed with the contemporary dynamics in labor (Kelty et...

Words: 1424 Pages: 5

Career: The Role of the Practitioner

In the broadest sense, public relations involve in-depth analysis and understanding of all the factors influencing people’s attitudes towards an organization. This area is more comprehensive than related marketing, governmental affairs, counseling, special events, and others. PR includes all of them and integrates their achievements in the process, which is...

Words: 398 Pages: 1

Career Counseling Theories

Name of the theory Developers of the theory Main tenants or description of the theory (25–50 words) Vocational Types Theory John Holland This theory postulates that an individual has to choose their field of expertise based on their particular personality type. Holland presented six kinds of personalities, including artistic and...

Words: 947 Pages: 3

A College Degree as a Key to Success

Many people would agree that a college education is necessary to become successful in the future. According to Leonhardt, an American columnist and journalist, “for all the struggles that many young graduates face, a four-year degree has probably never been more valuable.” In other words, getting an education is worth...

Words: 679 Pages: 1

My Career Transition

Patricia Benner’s model is a philosophical and practical model that makes use of Drefus model to explain the process of skill acquisition in clinical medicine (Altmann, 2007). It is used as a framework to help nurse practitioners and students realize growth and development in their area of specialization. According to...

Words: 449 Pages: 2

Career Path: Software Development

Introduction The world today is referred to as a digital village. Technology defines virtually everything around human beings in the 21st century. Since the technology boom of the early ’90s, more veteran companies and successful startups such as IBM, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook have invested heavily in research and development....

Words: 552 Pages: 2

Internship Experience Examination

Introduction Internship experience is an important landmark in the career every person because he/she has an opportunity to test and develop various skills that are directly related to the professional activities as well as leadership. In this paper, I would like to speak about my internship experience at the company...

Words: 2193 Pages: 8

Career Planning and Developmental Tool: Four Phases

Phase 1: Scanning the Environment School Planning for my future and exploring the opportunities that are open to me is an important step in ensuring that I have a successful career. A key state in my career planning will be to scan the environment for current realities and future trends...

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Career Development Plan: The Nursing Career

Career Development Plan Employees have laid down goals concerning their current position at work, the position they would like to hold in the future, and the means through which they will attain their goals. This plan is referred to as a career development plan. The main aim of creating a...

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Early Development of Professional Behavior in One’s Academic Career

A professional is somebody who has characteristics conforming to the practical or ethical standards of his/her profession. Therefore, professional behavior refers to the conduct, attitude, and values that should be possessed by such a person. These behaviors develop with time and experience. Professional behaviors are not inborn and thus must...

Words: 604 Pages: 2

Special Needs Students’ Transition from School to Work

Introduction People spend most of their life working than doing any other activity in life. We often place more emphasis on the type of work we do. A job can grant a person a sense of belonging. Swell pride is seen as a sign of an individual accomplishment, and largely...

Words: 3002 Pages: 10

Personal Professional Development Project

Introduction The last two years of academic study have been both challenging and immensely satisfying. They have introduced me to the course and helped me adjust to new concepts and ideas, re-evaluate my opinions and ideas, and develop new perspectives on the world around me, on actions of people, their...

Words: 919 Pages: 3

Job Skills Aspects Overview and Analysis

Introduction Aspects of Job Skills Among the job skills that are mentioned in the article but are not related to content knowledge are: Top Ten Skills According to the information found with the help of the internet search, the top ten skills that are required by employers this year are:...

Words: 625 Pages: 2

National Qualifications Framework: Global Perspective

Introduction Over the past 2 to 3 decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of nations that have introduced or are planning to introduce the national qualifications framework (NQF). NQFs can either be comprehensive or partial, depending on the choice of the implementing entity. Even as there...

Words: 2750 Pages: 10

The Choose of MBA Program Decision

Effect of age Age is an important consideration when making such a decision because while taking the option of studying at Ritter College of Business at Wilton University, a one-year salary is lost in studies when compared to taking the second option of a one-year MBA program at Mt. Perry...

Words: 583 Pages: 2

Professional Planning and Development: Health Care Careers

Electronic Health Records Working in the healthcare industry is the foundation of managing the electronic health records. Besides, working in healthcare industry comes with increased rewards in terms of electronic health records management. The healthcare industry is in demand and continues to grow as many diseases crop up that require...

Words: 678 Pages: 2

The Career of Police Officers

Introduction Young boys living in New York City often dream of becoming a fireman or a policeman when they grow up. In the case of the proponent of this study, there is no other option but to become a police officer. In order to become a part of the much-vaunted...

Words: 1716 Pages: 5

Financial Planner Career Prospects

Introduction A few years ago, I started looking for a professional financier to give me some guidelines and ideas about financial planning shortly after the death of my husband. At the time I needed advice on how best to invest, save, and meet my financial obligations all at the same...

Words: 860 Pages: 3

Future Career in Management of Female Bachelor

Executive Summary During the past two decades there have been dramatic increases in the number of women who are pursuing managerial and professional careers. The majority of the women have undertaken university education to prepare themselves for careers. Research evidence suggests that these female graduates enter the workforce at levels...

Words: 20738 Pages: 55

Career in Fisheries Biology

Introduction A fisheries biologist is a scientist who carries out research studies on fish in their natural or artificial habitats. His or her work may cover a variety of fisheries aspects such as investigation on water quality changes, fish stock assessment, fish diseases among others. Most of their studies are...

Words: 1387 Pages: 5

Application for Admission: Auburn University

I would like to apply for admission to the Ph.D. program in Management to support my lifelong pursuit of a career in Research and Management teaching. I have an interest in gaining knowledge in the performance of multinationals: To determine how competition, style of leadership, organizational structure, production arrangement, and...

Words: 1731 Pages: 8

Professionalism, Professional Knowledge and Abilities in Psychology

Introduction Professional knowledge is a very important tool in the world of expertise today. The abilities that are associated with professionalism are paramount in the growth and development of successful organizations. There is a greater need for professional organizations to develop higher levels of professionalism in order to attract more...

Words: 616 Pages: 2

Sports Psychologist Career Reflection Through an Interview

I have considered a sports psychologist’s career since I enjoy watching athletic teams train and perform and would like to help college players in the future. I chose to interview Urska Dobchek, a university tennis player in the past and a sports psychologist at the University of Florida presently. My...

Words: 854 Pages: 3

Suggestion a Job of a General Office Clerk

Summary The client’s name is Lariesha Wilson, who is single and is of 23 years of age. She does not suffer from any physical or psychological disability, does not use drugs, and is not under any medication. Lariesha indicates that she faces difficulty in reading and remembering. She usually forgets...

Words: 591 Pages: 2

Ideal Career: Director of Employee Benefits

Introduction The ideal career for me is director of employee benefits. It is a person who “plans and directs the overall design, implementation, communication, and administration of the organization’s health and welfare benefits programs” (“Benefits Director,” 2020, para. 1). My imaginary manager is a senior executive in their 40s. He...

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Professionalism in Allopathic and Osteopathic Medical Students

Summary There are several problems and issues related to medical professionalism among medical students, especially the allopathic and osteopathic medical students all over the world and the United States in particular. Some of the problems faced by the medical students are; Practicing medicine while under the influence of alcohol, narcotic...

Words: 2726 Pages: 10

Career: Choosing the Right Job

Introduction Choice of career is a task most people have difficulty in performing. Right from high school, choosing subjects to favor desired disciplines is a challenge. With several graduate trainee programs offered by various companies in diverse fields for university graduates, picking up the right job has increasingly become difficult....

Words: 644 Pages: 2

Pastry Arts College Programs vs Apprenticeships

Introduction In spite of the fact that baking is frequently perceived as a hobby, this activity offers a variety of opportunities for career development. In fact, the modern food industry has broadened its horizons to the extent that it is difficult to imagine life without bread, pastries, and other baked...

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Application for Admission: Singapore Management University

My journey to law school represents great sacrifice and preparation, both by myself and my family. The first step was taken by my family which entailed relocating to another area to allow me to attend a high school that specialized in legal studies as taught by notable law professors. I...

Words: 1288 Pages: 3

Critical Reflections on Employability-Related Learning Experiences

Introduction Building a career requires the coverage of various aspects and attention to detail in the chosen area. It is possible to state that being employed within a particular field does not necessarily implicate success and full potential realization for an individual. The concept of employability helps to understand the...

Words: 1477 Pages: 8

Do What You’re Made For?

Introduction There are two global strategies for building a career; the first is a gradual increase in strengths and a reduction in weaknesses. The second one is the transformation of vulnerabilities to a decent level. According to Drucker (2018), a manager needs to use all possible strengths of employees, partners,...

Words: 851 Pages: 3

Personal Development Plan Assessment

Personal development planning allows managers to take responsibility for improving their skills and knowledge to ensure maximum professional effectiveness. My personal development plan (PDP) helped me establish short and long-term objectives and select appropriate development opportunities to achieve them. An effective PDP is “a means of focusing on continuous feedback...

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Nursing: Importance of Continuing Education

Introduction Continuing education is considered not as an advantage but as an absolute necessity in many occupations as it allows one to keep one’s skills and knowledge up-to-date. As nursing is a rapidly growing field, it requires continuous self-development and training to perform at a high level and have relevant...

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Professional Goals of an Instructional Leader

In my opinion, professional development is one of the most important spheres in one’s life. At the same time, this is a process that requires working on self-improvement constantly. I understand that it is impossible to become a high-class professional in a short period. Nevertheless, being hard-working might be rewarded:...

Words: 341 Pages: 1

Business Communications in Public Relations

A portfolio is a tool indicative of business activities presented to the relevant stakeholders. Public relations managers are credited with the task of communicating business or organizational policies to the stakeholders. Public relations manager usually work to maintain a positive image of the company and is considered its spokesperson. In...

Words: 965 Pages: 3

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management & Economics in Healthcare

Introduction I entered SUNY Empire State College to fulfill my career aspirations and advance my knowledge and skills in management and economics. One of my professional goals is to become a manager who can establish and support the workflow of an organization. I am not sure whether I will proceed...

Words: 1431 Pages: 5

The Challenges in Career Choice

Nowadays, young people face numerous challenges in their everyday lives. From the choices of clothes and friends to the preferences in education, there is a significant influence from other people. If some of these choices cannot influence the future life of modern youth, there are still options that represent a...

Words: 571 Pages: 2

Career Speech: Mobile App Developer

Introduction More and more people use smartphones to call or text their friends and family members, and track their schedules, habits, watch videos, listen to music, browse through social media, or for other tasks. Mobile applications can be defined as any programs designed to run on our phones. Hence, a...

Words: 641 Pages: 3

The Career Exploration in Producers Midstream Management

Overall The accounting education received mostly provides two career directions: public and private. Almost all vacancies offered on the market can be categorized into these categories. There is a clear distinction between the two, as personal accountants can be portrayed as “external,” while private professionals are more likely to be...

Words: 1196 Pages: 3

Professional Development: Review

Professional development is one of the most important forms of adult development in the modern world. It is important for people not only to be realized in their personal life or to be in harmony with themselves. They also want to reach career heights so that they feel important and...

Words: 2997 Pages: 10

Social Work License Requirements

Human services relate to an interdisciplinary specialty field with the objective of addressing people’s demands through an applied or feasible knowledge base. Human services experts typically attempt to advance service users’ autonomy through civic education, engagement, social change, and health promotion at all societal levels (Writer, 2020). However, while executing...

Words: 1216 Pages: 4

Career Codes and Attitudes

Career counseling is of extreme importance for people living today. According to Arnett and Jensen (2019), people have to make career choices rather early since the knowledge economy requires education beyond high school to earn a living for oneself and family. Today people are forced to choose their career path...

Words: 597 Pages: 5

Perfect Transition From College to Career

Introduction The transition from college to working life can be exciting and at the same time frustrating. This is the period that starts after students have graduated from their colleges or universities. Most of them go looking for jobs with their recently acquired certificates. The graduates are in most cases...

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Developing and Maintaining Professional Competence

Developing and maintaining professional competence is a critical factor for career advancement. There are various ways of improving one’s skills and expertise. Among them is implementing constant self-assessment and getting feedback from colleagues, managers, and customers. It is especially important for those sectors and industries that are highly relying on...

Words: 281 Pages: 1

The Goals of Mentorship Career

Mentor Description When I was in high school, I was lucky to have a very nice person as my Math tutor. Apart from teaching me math and helping me build up my knowledge, my tutor inspired me and was an influential role model. The two personal characteristics I might identify...

Words: 544 Pages: 2

Mismatching College Degrees and Careers

Background In spite of the fact that people focus much attention on gaining their academic degrees, they often choose careers that are not related to their qualification or field of knowledge. Young college graduates often choose not to follow the previously selected career path associated with their specialisation or major...

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Bachelor’s Degree and Employment Rates Correlation

In order to establish the reasons for the relationship between bachelor’s degree and unemployment/underemployment among young graduates, the study will be based on the following hypotheses. Null hypothesis: Wage inequality is not responsible for graduates’ roles incompatibility with the requirements of the labour market. Alternative hypothesis: Wage inequality is responsible...

Words: 904 Pages: 4

Individual Career Management’ Concept

Introduction Human resource management seeks to facilitate the growth of both the workforce and the organization through the integration of various frameworks and models. Employees could also embark on strategies that enhance their success in their professional endeavors thereby, resulting in desirable outcomes. In this case, the concept of individual...

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